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Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Why Brown Could Lose in MD

On the eve of the first governor’s debate, is the lieutenant governor “pulling a Townsend” similar to Kathleen Kennedy Townsend’s implosion in the 2002 governor’s race that gift-wrapped the election for Republican underdog Bob Ehrlich?

To date, the answer is “yes.”

The Brown campaign is badly off-track.
In a Cocoon

Its professional staff has hermetically sealed their candidate in a tight cocoon, isolating him from the media and all voters except the most loyal Democratic groups.

They’ve picked the wrong issues to run on. Abortion rights and gun control laws are settled matters in Maryland. Even Republican gubernatorial nominee Larry Hogan Jr. agrees on that.

The “pocketbook issues” will decide this election — or as advisers to Bill Clinton put it in the 1990s, “It’s the economy, stupid.”
Big Mistake

According to Patrick Gonzales’ latest poll, the most pressing matters for voters — by far — are the economy and taxes. These are precisely the themes heavily promoted by Hogan and ignored by Brown.

That’s a huge mistake, a giant failure to understand what’s troubling Marylanders.

Brown hired national campaign specialists when he should have turned to local pros. While abortion and gun control still might be dominant issues in Kansas or Georgia, they aren’t in Maryland. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out.

Meanwhile, Brown’s handlers have isolated him from the public at large.



  1. Dems are failure at making life acceptable for the working class...guns laws rain tax illegals proves they are NOT for me..moving as quickly as i can

  2. Want 4 more years of Omalley? Vote for Brown you idiots

  3. Democrats are too stupid and only know how to vote for another democrat they are just too dumb

  4. I will be voting republican this time

  5. 6:27 add to your excellent assessment millions of tax dollars to environmental groups who do nothing,raising minimum wage to put people out of jobs,adding taxes to put small business out of business.

  6. brown won't lose, he will win and you will have more of O'faggie style politics, tax tax tax... raid the funds and tax more...


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