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Tuesday, October 07, 2014

No Charges In 'Sloppy' SWAT Raid That Maimed Baby

A grand jury in Georgia has decided not to indict any officers involved in a botched SWAT team drug raid that disfigured a 19-month-old baby boy in May.

The Habersham County grand jury announced Monday it found the local sheriff’s department’s drug investigation was “hurried, sloppy and unfortunately not in accordance with the practices and policies,” but then turned around and said there was “no evidence of criminal intent or criminal negligence on the part of any law enforcement officer involved.”

Bounkham “Bou Bou” Phonesavanh was permanently scarred when a SWAT team raided his parents’ home at 3 a.m. on May 28, lobbing a flash-bang grenade into the house before they entered. That grenade landed in the crib where little Bou Bou was sleeping. The device exploded, tearing open the boy’s face, severing his nose and severely burning his face and chest.



  1. The baby could have been killed. It is no different than open firing into a residence. They need to be responsible for this!

  2. Parents should have thought about this before they started living the lifestyle that got them on police radar in the first place.

    1. Did you even read the story. The family wasn't living a life style to put them on police radar as you say. They had just moved in and an informant gave the police bad information. They found no evidence of wrong doing in the raid. A baby is now disfigured for life because oops we made a mistake. The polic dept should be held responsible and people should learn to read before they make comments.

  3. 7:30 u need Jesus...ITS A BABY...SMH

  4. I love your response, 9:13. I agree. We could all use a little more Jesus. Poor child. That's terrible.

  5. just shut the f up...

    You people don't turley give a damn... Cops are doing this every damn place hell even in your own back yard of SBY now...

    You people say oh it is tragic this and that yet you still don't help stop it now do you? NO YOU DON'T... you still run your mouth about how we are just cop haters and we were done wrong by the justice system so we just hate all things cops...

    WELL YES i hate ALL THINGS COPS bc they have no legal bounds from messing your life up... Look at how easy it was to ruin their these peoples life? some random informant who is known to lie to protect himself and is only informing bc he too was caught, gave bad info and now a kid is deformed and almost killed...

    Happens every god damn day and only when it happens to a kid do you care?

    cops can raid a house of a guy they were doing a 5 yr long investigation, show up to the wrong house number, with the wrong color, with the wrong name, on the wrong street in the wrong city in the wrong state and bust in, not saying who they are when laws say they have to, and shoot you for defending your home or you get locked up for pointing a gun at a cop if you some how make it out alive... Yet nothing happens to the cops why? fuckign why? to me that is murder but bc they have a badge I would go to manslughter but it doesn fuckign matter bc nothing will happen to cops...

    they are so damn scared and pussies they need tanks on the streets to server a traffic stop...

  6. Where are the punk dwarfs who usually are posting "good job, PD!!"
    Transfer all your assets, write an ironclad will, and get some revenge.
    Like that (still not caught) hero in Pennsylvania.
    Even some Jews fought back in Germany.


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