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Wednesday, October 01, 2014


NEW YORK – The World Health Organization said Wednesday that the manufacture, financing and distribution of a large-scale Ebola vaccine is not possible until the middle of next year at the earliest.

WHO is expediting Phase 1 and Phase 2 trials on two highly promising experimental Ebola vaccines, hoping to obtain approval next February.

On Tuesday, the Centers for Disease Control reported the first case of the current strain of Ebola brought to the U.S. by a traveler.

“The Ebola outbreak currently ravaging parts of West Africa is the most severe acute public health emergency in modern times,” WHO said in a statement issued from Geneva.



  1. Check you local hospital and find out that there are very few isolation areas in any hospital....certainly not enough to handle an outbreak of a disease of this magnitude. If this erupts in a metropolitan area such as DC the transmission will be quick and deadly with not enough hospitals to handle the sick. Also...if they send you home from the ER and you come back two days later... how many people do you think you have infected in the process? Especially if the only means of transportation you have to reach the hospital is a cab or metro rail. I'm glad I live outside a major city for many reasons and this is just one added to the growing list.

  2. oh, didn't you know, the CDC said there was Nothing to be concerned about. our nation is really not going to have a problem. LIARS.

  3. 10:44
    The wait time in the hospitals in DC is absurd and that is just a regular day. So bad that a few of the hospitals have to close the ER and divert patients to another hospital. With the amount of people in that area there is not enough hospital to care for them all on a daily basis. If something really bad happens I don't know what they will do.

  4. SHOULD HAVE WAITED for this before bringing those infected here.

  5. CDC = the people that brought you all the original lies about the transmission of HIV when they knew it was blood transmission due to infants that were born positive before they told anyone. They held the secret due to "fearing mass hysteria" from the little people. Big government thinking for you since 1960... or before.


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