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Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Sound Familiar?


  1. off topic- in jax, fla- mike dunn was found guilty of murdering a 17 yr old...that would b a great story for u 2 highlight.

  2. Someone needs to tie a rope around everyone of those traffic cameras and uproot them. It's all about the money. They couldn't give a rats ass about the poor taxpayer. If the speed cameras are so essential - then let's see how many police officers have been reduced since their inception.

    My best guess - they did not lay off any but, instead, have hired more.

  3. Just obey the speed limit. Simple.

  4. It must truly be an ego deflating bubble burst to finally realize that you've been wrong all this time. To finally know you're little more then a pawn of the tax collectors.

  5. Those of you who bitch about the cameras are the ones who don't believe in the law.
    Just keep paying the fines and bitchin.

  6. Well, at least they're not profiling! Everybody gets it up the arse!

    And those speed cam tickets... take them to court. nobody from across the Bay comes here to prosecute them, and the judge hates them and just throws them all out. You're in and out in an hour.

  7. To 11:23 Poster -

    You obviously cannot see the field because of the forest.

    It doesn't have anything to do with speed, it's your money they are after.

  8. Police make NOTHING off the tickets they write and give more than 50% warnings overall.

  9. 8:49 you are so full of sh!t it's coming out your mouth. Several years ago when the state of Maryland was cutting departments the state police ramped up their ticket writing so their department wouldn't suffer any cuts. All tickets written kick back a portion to which ever municipality the officer who wrote it is from.

  10. Just last week or so Sby News (I think)posted where new technology would soon be put in place to detect drivers who are texting.The revenues from that would be huge.Not 100% sure where I read that but I think it was here.

  11. Bet most don't know this one either, the "Drinking and Driving" law includes any beverage, just cause an accident and see! My kid got it for causing a crash while eating and drinking Mickey D's. No injuries, but property damage. Nice conviction for his record, and the insurance now is a killer.

  12. 9:13, all traffic citation revenue in Maryland goes to the State of Maryland general fund not the agency that issues the citation. The only way an agency that writes these traffic tickets gets anything back would be in the form of State issued grants,

    In PA this is not so, 50% of the PAID traffic fines goes back to the municipality, and 100% of the PAID criminal fines goes to the municipality. So in a state like PA small communitys may very well encourage tickets as a form of revenue, but this is not the case in Maryland


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