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Friday, October 24, 2014

TLC ends production on 'Honey Boo Boo'

TLC's "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" is ending its run.

On Friday, TMZ reported that the network has canceled the series in light of claims that the program's newly separated matriarch, June "Mama June" Shannon, is dating Mark Anthony McDaniel, a man who served 10 years in prison after being convicted of aggravated child molestation in 2004 and who is a registered sex offender.

Shannon said the reports that she's dating McDaniel are "totally untrue" but confirmed that "as of right now, there will be no more production of the show."



  1. Oh no what garbage will I watch now.

  2. What sickens me... besides the fact that these people are even relevant... is the fact that this guy just got out of jail after "forced oral assault on a 8 year old"... WTF? Why even let these people breathe? He got to stay in a hotel, and will no doubt make money off of this for his "story". Sick world.

    1. You and I would have many common beliefs/opinions/interests if we met 2:59 pm. Every single one of these child molesting perverts deserves DEATH only. Every time, NO exceptions. The more horrible their death the better and I am pretty inventive. Let them suffer at the hands of pervert haters like myself, the same way they made innocent children suffer for the self sexual gratification. I'd love to kill a few thousand of them, a few hundred thousand would be alot better and make the world a safer place for every child. How long do you think these deviant/sadist perverts would continue, if they knew DEATH was their only option if and when they were caught? Their actions would stop the very day that this justice was on the law books!

    2. Beware of the Law of Unforseen Consequences. No dispute here on the horribleness of the crime, but equate sexual assault with murder, and more pedofiles and rapists will kill their victiims. If they have nothing more to lose, why not make it alot harder to get caught at all?

  3. Tlc sucks period. Between that and John and Kate makes eight!!!! They shouldn't call themselves "The Learning Channel"!!!

  4. I didn't see anything in the post or link that said specifically who he molested,but it was one of Junes own children if I'm not mistaken.

  5. Oh, let me just cry a river!

  6. About time! I got so tired of seeing people looking like my neighbors here on the shore, on my TV set.

  7. Who is Honey Boo boo? Honey Badger don't care.

    Good riddance.

  8. 4:01, At the rate things are going in 30 years it won't even be a crime.


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