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Friday, October 24, 2014

Administration Freed Illegal Immigrants Charged With Violent Crimes

Illegal immigrants charged with violent crimes and serious felonies were among the hundreds of criminals the Obama administration released from jails across the country in February 2013, newly released documents show.

According to records obtained by USA Today, the government released inmates charged with offenses ranging from kidnapping and sexual assault to drug trafficking, armed assault, and homicide.

The evidence contradicts previous assurances by the administration that the 617 criminals who were released as part of a cost-cutting exercise were low-risk offenders charged with misdemeanors "or other criminals whose prior conviction did not pose a violent threat to public safety," USA Today reported.


1 comment:

  1. This man is out-of-control. If you're interested in your own freedom & safety, and that of your communities and Nation, then you have to help get rid of him and his traitorous regime., pronounced (dĕm'ĕ-krăt´).
    Vote For Meaningful Change on Nov. 4th


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