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Sunday, October 12, 2014

The terrible truth about cannabis

A definitive 20-year study into the effects of long-term cannabis use has demolished the argument that the drug is safe.

Cannabis is highly addictive, causes mental health problems and opens the door to hard drugs, the study found.

The paper by Professor Wayne Hall, a drugs advisor to the World Health Organisation, builds a compelling case against those who deny the devastation cannabis wreaks on the brain. Professor Hall found:



  1. That's exactly why the politicians don't care if it's legalized. They want the general public to stay high and dumb!

    1. I quit. No more pot for me. It turns you into a republican.

  2. More propaganda BS sponsored by big pharma. This study is laughable.

  3. jest another round of reefer madness. people dont deserve 2 go 2 jail 4 smoking or selling pot. in any event, it is safer than alcohol or cigarettes.

  4. This is either a satire article from "MailOnline" or professor Hall has done his research in between hits on his crack pipe.

  5. You can definitely tell who the pot smokers are by their replies. Get over yourselves. If pot smoking is so great, make sure to share it with your kids.

  6. Those of you who are so in favor of it must have been smoking it for years now because it has now affected your brain.

  7. The hop heads on here live in their own little loser world.

  8. First ban the use of grain alcohol and cigarettes, as long as grain alcohol is around 180 proof and you can smoke too, the whole marijuana scare is moot!

  9. The only thing that makes it a "gateway" to drugs is that the only supplier is the heroin/ coke/ oxy dealer. When he runs out of pot, and you're standing there with cash, he's going to try to sell you on something else.

  10. I thought this was a satire article at first. Comparing heroin to pot is laughable.

  11. 5:59 Safer than you letting your underage kids drink alcohol, like so many here on the Shore.

  12. If YOU don't like pot, then don't YOU consume any.

    Why does anything YOU don't like, don't want to consume or any other kind of restriction YOU want to impose on YOURSELF has to cross the line and affect ME and EVERYBODY else?

    Maybe YOU have the weaker mind and are subject to some type of addiction. But that does not mean that I or anyone else will be subject to YOUR weaknesses or tendencies to be addicted.

    They say they have done a TEN YEAR STUDY about a PLANT that has been around how long? Has been USED for how long? With what number of bad consequences?

    Follow the money. It will lead you to : big pharma; big oil; steel companies; auto makers; construction companies; and others.

  13. If pot is illegal for our own safety then why can I grow plants that will kill every person in the house with out so much as an odd glance?

    Pot is illegal because it is in the interest of the people who make the money. If you could grow your own medicine were would big pharma be? How about logging companies? Paper, fabric, oil all of these industries would no longer be in control. They are not going to let go of the power that easy.

    This report is a bold faced lie.

  14. roni lane LR AMBULANCEOctober 13, 2014 at 2:45 AM

    Government can't tax it so it's illegal... Cigarettes are no more harmful then pot. I don't smoke either one however if alcohol and cigarettes are legal this should be too but again it's too easy to grow yourself and the greedy government can't tax it


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