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Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Terminally Ill Woman Fighting For Others’ Rights To End Their Own Lives

When doctors told Brittany Maynard that her days were numbered due to a progressive brain tumor, the 29-year-old decided to take charge of her life, MyFox8.com reported.

Maynard has chosen November 1 as the day she will die.

After her wedding last year, Maynard began having severe headaches. In January, doctors diagnosed her with grade II Astrocytoma— a severe brain tumor— while she was vacationing with her husband. Doctors initially gave her 10 years to live, according to the report.



  1. I have had grade 4 cancer and survived since 2004 , I have
    had a good ten years. Recently I
    got cancer again. Having said that , I think I know where she is coming from.
    Would I do the same? Maybe , I just can't say right now.
    Peace be with her , may God protect and give her comfort.

    1. I will say a prayer for you. Your comment touched me as much as this article.

  2. I want the Fn choice, if anyone disagrees then you go through my pain .

  3. Walk a mile in my shoes should apply to all these types of illnesses. I have no problem with here decision.

  4. Brave woman. I have tears in my eyes hoping that my child never has to go thru this agony.

  5. What are the states that allow this?

  6. @9:27 right now Oregon, Washington and Vermont have the Death with Dignity Act!

  7. If I have to face this.. I will move to Vermont. Thanks for the heads up.


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