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Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Sheriff's Deputy With Possible Ebola Symptoms Hospitalized In Texas

FRISCO, Texas -- Emergency responders in suburban Dallas say a patient "exhibiting signs and symptoms" of Ebola claims to have had contact with family members of the man diagnosed with the disease in Dallas. But the person did not have contact with Thomas Eric Duncan, the Ebola patient who died today in a Dallas hospital, a spokesman for CareNow told CBS News.

Texas Health Presbyterian Dallas confirmed that a patient was admitted "after reporting possible exposure to the Ebola virus."

The Frisco, Texas patient has been identified as a Dallas County Sheriff's deputy, CBSDFW.com reports. The patient, Michael Monnig, was transported from a Frisco Care Now facility where he was complaining of "stomach issues," sources told CBSDFW.



  1. Thanks OBAMA part of the Plan.

  2. I don't believe any of it. From now on every time someone comes down with the common cold you will hear ebola, ebola, ebola. Just a bunch of rumors and hyperbole. I guess ebola came about because man landed on the moon and the "man on the grassy knoll" brought it into this country from Mexico. Ahhhhh the good old press - trying to sell them papers, eh?

  3. Democrats-every single one of you-are sick evil people. We've got Ebola from Africa and that respiratory illness that is killing our children coming in from South/Central America.
    This is due to the democrats open door policy. They could care less if children are dying just so long as they don't offend a voter base. There is a special place in hell waiting for all democrats.

  4. God be with him, Stop flights out of those countries, period.

  5. President George W. Bush signed an Executive Order in 2003, adding Ebola to the list of quarantinable communicable diseases. This meant that no court order was necessary to quarantine an individual who is not yet ill, but has been exposed to Ebola. In 2010, the Obama administration quietly dumped Bush-era plans to enact quarantine regulations supported by the Centers for Disease Control that were designed to prevent travelers from spreading
    infectious diseases including Ebola.

  6. There is no one left to actually investigate the release of this bio-weapon on the planet. Nobody can be trusted to investigate it. Those who are trustworthy are afraid to investigate it. Those who know the facts of the matter will never speak because of fear.

    Start with the vaccine program conducted in the countries during November and December 2013. The outbreak occurred in February 2014. There would have been a short period of time during which the first victims became ill and died without any health officials becoming aware.

    Very sad and extremely scary if you are even remotely aware of the capabilities of various military organizations around the globe. There are many militaries with the capability of releasing this weapon. I believe the WHO conducted the vaccine program. I think they are the best starting point.

    Now then, who might contact them for an interview?


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