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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Taxpayers - Soon Have Chance To Get Revenge

By now - there have been enough speed camera citations issued throughout Wicomico County - to make people  madder ' than stepping into a hornets nest '

Initially, the authorities reported that the - Bennett Middle camera alone was issuing in excess of 400 citations a day -  so in my estimation, this means there are a lot of disgruntled citizens that are currently traversing our county roadways.

As most of our readers know - the election is just around the corner and it is of utmost importance to try and hold our elected officials ' feet to the fire ' when it comes to promulgation of legislation that ultimately effects our 'hip pockets'.  In keeping with that tradition;  

Here is how they voted: Maryland Senate Bill 277 - the legislation that enabled the use of speed cameras throughout Wicomico County.  It is also noteworthy to notice that Delegate Rudy Cane - D & Senator James Mathias - D also voted in favor of this legislation.

Now for the applause - IMHO I believe that Delegates Jeannie Haddaway Riccio and Addie Eckardt deserve a standing ovation for their taking a stand in voting against the detrimental speed camera legislation.

Folks . . . November 4th is an opportune time to get a chance to express your satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the behavior of your elected officials.  I encourage you all to get out and vote. 

Published by SBYnews Editorial Staff


  1. 1st, this camera is in front of TWO schools. You only get a citation if you SPEED. I traverse that route twice daily and have NEVER received a citation.

    2nd, I understand that the camera doesn't trip until you exceed 40 MPH. Just how fast do people wish to speed by a school ?

    As for punishing legislators, I could care less. They're all worthless as far as I'm concerned but I'd find a better reason than this one.

  2. Anonymous said...
    1st, this camera is in front of TWO schools. You only get a citation if you SPEED. I traverse that route twice daily and have NEVER received a citation.

    2nd, I understand that the camera doesn't trip until you exceed 40 MPH. Just how fast do people wish to speed by a school ?

    As for punishing legislators, I could care less. They're all worthless as far as I'm concerned but I'd find a better reason than this one.

    October 13, 2014 at 10:15 AM

    Oh you are my hero moron. Go suck on another corndog and keep voting for these idiot democrats.

  3. The biggest problem I have with those speed cameras in front of Bennett and other schools like that is that it is a money maker for the City of Salisbury. They are using Wicomico County Schools for those speed traps and none of the money goes back to the schools. The City of Salisbury Police Department us using a Wicomico County School, notice I didn't say City of Salisbury school, to rape the tax payers. If anything those speed cameras should be the going to the schools or the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office.

  4. I go around them, so businesses such as Devages, I no longer go to.

  5. To 10:15 Poster - that said he doesn't mind them.

    I'm with you 1:36. The 10:15 poster is an imbecile. There is no way you can extract wealth from our citizenry like this without having an adverse impact. And people wonder why there are hordes of people panhandling on the street corners.

  6. I always wondered who were the ones responsible for these contraptions. Now I know. I will be informing all of my friends, family, and acquaintances as to whom was responsible. And Conway will not be getting any of our family's support.

  7. Joe - thank you very much for helping me to connect the Dots.

  8. Norman Conway has been an economic disaster for Wicomico County. He has taxed and taxed to the max which is draining our citizens resources. Thank you Joe for enlightening me.

  9. I went that way for the first time in a long time the other day and was really bummed to see that little food joint across from Ace Hardware has closed. I loved their food but didn't go there because I avoided that side of town because of the cameras. I stopped going the last time we had this discussion on this site. I guess nothing changes even if people don't like it. I am not a speeder...but the cameras also cause another effect. People see them and stomp on the brakes.... good way to have an accident.

  10. 4:19 - The mexican place?

  11. I wish someone would put a laso on these devices and uproot them. They are bad news for citizens and represents a license to steal.

  12. I encourage every household to promptly notify all of your friends to not vote for Norm Conway. Anderton should be given a chance especially in light of what has transpired under Conway's watch.

  13. I truly believe the democrats are going to pay severely for the pain they have inflicted.

  14. "I stopped going to that area of town just because of the cameras"

    Yeah right.


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