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Sunday, October 19, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: CDC confirms Texas health care worker positive for Ebola

CDC confirms Texas health care worker who cared for Ebola patient tests positive. 


  1. AND....Newsflash...they are finally saying that Ebola could be airborne. This has been known for decades. If a nurse wrapped from head to toe and protected before and after with chemicals STILL came down with Ebola...what does this tell you?

  2. LOL! When our troops start catching it will it be their fought?

  3. Just stop the damn flights to and from these countries. How hard is this to comprehend?

  4. It is already here. It only takes one case in the community to take down the whole city. People need to start reading everything you can get your hands on. The older the source document the more you will learn because there is a major effort to keep all known facts silent.

  5. 5:30
    Sorry you are wrong.
    Ebola is never airborn.

    The fact that this outbreak has "gone airborn" is the red flag that it is a bio-weapon.

    Real Ebola spreads very slowly and dies out quickly in any population. It is difficult to contract. Especially once it is identified.

    We are under attack.

  6. Do you think they could release it here in the USA?

    I have heard this thing started in African Countries immediately after the UN did a vaccine campaign in those very Countries!

    Has anyone else heard of this connection?

    1. I haven't but I know the UN has been in the Salisbury area participating in some kind of joint operations.

  7. This is just the beginning.

  8. What I'm wondering does this woman have a family? Children? And what about others she's been in contact with? The questions are endless.

  9. And just think Texas wanted to separate itself from the US government. Bet they're glad they didn't

  10. Still ANOTHER example of how this once wonderful country is quickly falling into "Third World" status under this administration.
    The complete breakdown of the middle class; riots in our streets; a lack of respect for any authority; refugee camps on our southern border; a tax system - a government - that targets opposing parties and views; ineffectual leadership; a police state that can easily find some legal reason to stop and question any citizen at any time.
    And now, Ebola.
    This country, as we know it, has ten, maybe twenty years tops, before it becomes a full-fledged disaster, just as Latin America and the Middle East have become.
    I see no hope for America's future.

  11. Folks don't panic. Obama has this completely under control. However, this disease is not covered under Obamacare because it wasn't on the list of covered illnesses. So, suck it cupcake. It wasn't "pre-existing" before the Democrats passed the law so you can kiss your ass goodby.

  12. 8:59... LMAO. What does politics have to do with illness? Who profits if a major life threatening illness strikes this country and bankrupts it? Who wins if everyone is so ill and broke to worry about anything but survival? What happens if this country is so torn apart that people will follow the first person or government who promises a chicken in every pot? Wait????? Haven't I heard that before?

  13. To 8:35-all human errors. Yes, liberal human error to elect a "community organizer" (whatever in the hell that is) as president.

  14. "Anonymous said...
    And just think Texas wanted to separate itself from the US government. Bet they're glad they didn't

    October 12, 2014 at 8:36 PM"

    Don't bet on it. TX Governor Rick Perry is much smarter than Obama and he would have closed his borders months ago to people from infected countries.

  15. So much for containment.....

  16. To answer 9:14's questions-Everything, george soros, george soros, muzzies and commies win, (no response to wait?????), and probably. Does that clear it all up for you?


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