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Monday, October 20, 2014

Poultry Giant Perdue Farms Drops “Humanely Raised” Claim to Settle Lawsuits

The Humane Society happily shared the news that a pair of lawsuits agains Chicken giant Perdue Farms, Inc. have succeeded in forcing the company to remove claims that chickens are humanely treated from labels of their Harvestland branded broilers.

Perdue uses the “humanely raised” claim in accordance with voluntary standards established by the chicken industry itself. According to the news item on the second lawsuit against Perdue Farms:

Public records obtained from USDA—which Perdue fought to keep hidden from public view—show that the standards upon which Perdue bases its “Humanely Raised” claim are the voluntary so-called “Animal Welfare Guidelines” of the National Chicken Council—the trade group for the chicken industry.

These standards can be audited by a third party, but such audits are not required. All that is required to use the label claim is that the supplier commit to certain principles and practices and audit themselves on their compliance to the industry’s checklist of humane practices.



  1. As if it made any difference. It's all about perpetuating donations to keep the high salaries coming.

  2. I don't care how the chicken died before I eat it .

  3. I am an animal lover, so I do care about how animals are RAISED and SLAUGHTERED.

  4. I'm with Lorraine. More importantly to me though I don't like be lied to. If they are humanely raised that's fine, but how dare any company lie to consumers. Thank God for watch groups like the HSUS.

  5. 9:27 Yeah, if not for them, we wouldn't be killing dogs and cats at an alarming rate. There is nothing "humane" about the humane society.

    This is why I raise my own meat. I can do it how I see fit, and don't have to worry about meddling know-nothings who like to stick their nose into everyone's business.


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