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Monday, October 20, 2014

Obama Appoints Lobbyist/PR Flack As Ebola Czar

Obama has appointed Ron Klain as the Ebola Czar.

Klain has no medical or healthcare background whatsoever.

Instead, he’s a high-powered lobbyist. He helped the corrupt Fannie Mae to overcome “regulatory issues”  in 2004. Wikipedia notes:

Klain [helped in] convincing Congress and Fannie Mae’s regulators that Fannie Mae wasn’t doing anything dangerous, and wasn’t exposing taxpayers to risk. In other words, Ron Klain got paid to help fuel the housing bubble up until a couple of years before it popped.

1 comment:

  1. He's just another commie propagandist to fly cover for our campaigner in chief, and anyone with half a brain can see right through it.


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