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Friday, October 24, 2014

Maryland Democrats Play The Race Card In Latest Mailer

Running Scared: Maryland Democrats Play The Race Card

Maryland Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown was supposed to have an easy victory this November. The Democrat in a state with a two-to-one voter registration advantage over Republicans was expected to coast to victory in the deeply blue state and become its first African-American governor. That’s not shaping up to be the case.

Brown is still favored to win, but polls have it much closer than conventional wisdom thought it would be. Republican challenger Larry Hogan is within single digits and gaining steam.

The unpopularity of Gov. Martin O’Malley, and Brown’s leadership in the state’s failed $288 million health-care exchange website, have hampered what was expected to be a coronation.

Anthony Brown has performed poorly in each of the candidate’s three debates, and his campaign ads have been mostly negative attacks on Hogan, a small business owner and founder of the non-profit Change Maryland. He’s also been accused of ducking the media. He even got the name of one of the state’s largest cities wrong, saying he visited “Fredricktown.” The city is Fredrick. This led to a parody song mocking him.


1 comment:

  1. I saw some of these commercials. It was slamming Hogan but he never offered up anything of what he intends to do.

    But I'm sure he will fool many in this once Free state of ours. Marylanders love big government control of their lives and it seems they are willing to shell out the money in their paychecks for it.

    Maryland is doomed.


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