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Friday, October 24, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: Judge Jimmy Sarbanes

On September 8, 2014 in the Circuit Court of Wicomico County my son was in court regarding a verbal assault and an alleged slap against his landlord from Fruitland Maryland. 

This lady has been known to lie before. My son was even warned about her false stories they had offered him an alford plea but he refused to accept because he did not hit her. Verbal assault, yes, that he was guilty of doing. 

He refused to accept the alford plea because he would be admitting to a charge he did not do. Along with this plea he would have only been given 5 years.

The officer and I were asked to leave the court room. I can not say what happened after that in there. We were called back in for the
sentencing. My son apologized for verbal assault and for wasting the
courts time for having asked for a jury trail. They then sentenced him to 10 years with three years suspended. We were all devastated. 

Even the officer couldn't believe it.

His public defender met in the chambers before hand and she said the states attorney and the head of the states attorney office, Matt Maciarello was in the judges chamber before hand and was pushing for 10 years from the get go. Since when did Matt start showing up in court for cases he's not handling.

Previously this same lady lost a case saying that her previous aid had
raped her. 
I have told you all I know. But 7 years is way to much for this crime.

The Judge was Jimmy Sarbanes.


  1. Based on the limited information in this post, I can only make an assumption that your son has had previous run-ins with the law.
    Would this be true or untrue?
    I can not imagine that for a first time infraction such a harsh penalty would be handed down.

  2. 10 years for smacking a woman? Would a woman get the same sentence? Equal rights and all...

  3. Is this the girl that lives in Fruitland?

  4. Is this is the girl who is on the Recreation Commission?

  5. Matt needs to go - period the end! I am so sick of him and his good old boy network. He has not business being the state's attorney - I am literally sick to my stomach over this story. 7 years is way to much for this crime! Don't kid yourself Matt and Jimmy both need to go.

  6. 2:12 PM Matt is a republican and he is not from the area. He is also aggressively prosecuting people committing crimes. So he is doing his job. He is doing it well. And he is not part of the "Good Ol boy" network. Not yet anyway.

    Ultimately sentencing is in the hands of the Judge. Matt could ask for whatever he wants but ultimately it is up to the judge to decide the penalty. So if you want to complain, complain about the inexperience of "Judge" Jimmy Sarbanes. He has no clue what he is doing and is allowing lawyers to dictate and sway decisions that need to be made with a competent, experienced person at the helm. Jimmy Sarbanes is a clown and his appointment was cronyism at its finest.

    Do any of you believe this is an isolated incidence? I don't.

    If Jimmy wins he will be in place for 15 years. Thats a long time to live with O'malley's mistakes.

  7. Does any photographic evidence exist regarding the alleged injury? Were there any independent witnesses to this assault / battery?
    In a one on one situation with no other evidence it would be very difficult for a Judge to believe 1 persons testimony over another. Without any physical evidence and no independent witness testimony there can be no finding of guilt. If this family is wise appeal this decision to the next level. I do this for a living now in SC and I find the truth.

  8. I'm quite sure the time fits the crime. Pretty sure there is major information conveniently left out of this post.

  9. Aw poor mommie. I am sure your little innocent will be back in court 8 years from now on some parole violation.
    Your right why would Maciarello take an interest? Maybe it is because he knows a career criminal when he sees one.
    I for one say thanks Matt for keeping one off the streets, for a little while.
    Sarbanes is a liberal judge, what you think he would have got with a more conservative judge?

  10. You don't go to CIRCUIT COURT for a "verbal assault"...just sayin'

  11. 2:59 Letter states: " My son apologized for verbal assault and for wasting the
    courts time for having asked for a jury trail."

    Jury trials are handled by the Circuit.

    1. Correct, but please show me where a "verbal assault" is a chargeable offense. No such thing.

  12. Why were you asked to leave? Were you subpoenaed to appear as a witness?

  13. If you stall in district the judge will send it to circuit. Stall by saying no money for attorney ect

  14. Obama Crooked Mulato BastardoOctober 24, 2014 at 5:27 PM

    Something smells very fishy here, we need more info on this. To be sentenced for 7 years for slapping a landlord is Outrageous! We all knew Jimmy Sarhanes was Crook and Crony appointee, big time! Do Not Vote for this Crooked Slimeball Democ-Rat.

  15. Love to know more details about this case. Could the original poster please offer more? Something just not making sense. 10 years a long time for a slap to the face! Post the name of the defendant so we can look up their record. I am sure the mother is biased but am sure the penalty is way to severe. I am sure there will be an appeal.

  16. Why did the writer never mention their sons name?

  17. %:27 That fishy smell is right from this letter. They are picking on her little boy. Bet that has been the story his whole life.

  18. The is no "verbal assault" in Maryland. Why didn't momma name her son in the story? Even people who "slap" somebody don't get 7 years of active incarceration. A guy just recently was sentenced to LOCAL jail time for stabbing his brother, so there is much more t this story then the guy yelling at the woman.

  19. 7:03
    writer is a singular.

    Their is a plural.

  20. Look at the pictures of the victim, it was much much more than a slap.


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