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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Did The Mayor Mistakenly Give Out A Key To The Police Evidence Locker Instead Of The City?

Council Vice President Laura Mitchell suggested multiple times that I illegally obtained a pill bottle to the media. 

That means one of two things. One, the Mayor gave me a key and Two, Chief Barbara Duncan allowed me into that lock box to obtain the pill bottle in evidence. 

Now, this is what the Daily Times, WBOC and WMDT are suggesting, DO YOU BELIEVE THAT?

What does it say about a Council Member who suggests illegal activities were performed by law enforcement. 

I will tell you, just like I will tell a Judge, I did NOT obtain the pill bottle evidence from ANYONE in law enforcement, nor did it come from anyone involved in any way, shape or form within law enforcement. 

Now, let's talk about your local media. What does it say about WMDT not calling me at all to discuss this matter. Funny how Salisbury News was always called "The Blog" or "The Blogger" as if it were a curse. Yet over the years we have grown so large, they can no longer compete. At the same time, everything the local media accused BLOGGERS of, they are now doing exactly what they accused ME of doing all these years.

The difference, Salisbury News has delivered EVIDENCE, DOCUMENTS, PHOTOS. Does WBOC, WMDT or the Daily Times have ANY evidence backing up Laura Mitchell's accusations? Did ANY of them ask Mitchell, what was her son doing with HER pill bottle in the first place? How long ago was your son pulled over and this alleged evidence taken in? 

There are some standards in journalism protocol YOU should be challenging. Not that I did anything wrong by exposing this pill bottle. I can absolutely GUARANTEE that IF Joe Albero had dropped a similar prescription bottle during the Mayoral Campaign, THEY WOULD HAVE PUBLISHED IT LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW. Now, would you disagree with that?

Their problem is, Joe Albero delivered the biggest STORY OF THE YEAR, (perhaps decade) and they're pissed. Joe Albero sells more newspapers then any other person on the Shore. Do you see people dressing up as Greg Bassett, Craig Jahelka and the like for Halloween? Hey, it is what it is. Love me or hate me, we are influential and we openly admit, we are right wing and extremely proud of it. 

The Liberal party can go around, (like former Mayor Tilghman) and take down names and addresses of those people attending Council Meetings in order to intimidate them. They can physically attack a 9-11 Hero at a Candidate Form like we saw last week by Sarah Lake Rayne at a public forum at WorWic. Now we have your local Media trying to intimidate me and bully me into not exposing the TRUTH. Well, unlike many, I DO NOT FOLD. I FIGHT.

The only injustice out there right now is your local media trying to twist a factual story in order to attempt to make some sheeple feel sorry for Laura Mitchell. The Facts and Truth hurt.


  1. This one is going to be your end. Bye Bye Joseph.

    We are in.

  2. I agree 9:29, Joe your done once and for all asshole! Wait until your advertisers move to the real news source of the Eastern Shore

  3. I'm glad you did! Ms. Mitchell is a pox on the city already- I garen-damn-tee that if the tables were turned that you would have been treated the same way.

  4. 9:42 Looks like the Fat Man got his butt outa bed early today. Worked in a couple comments before his daily visit to the welfare office and favorite buffet.

  5. Is it just me or is this the typical liberal response to controversy?

    Find someone to blame..

    In this case she is accusing someone in the police of serious misconduct. She is playing on her democrat voters perceptions that the police are out get them.

    Politicians will never learn that once something like this breaks you just come out address it and move on.

    She has now done far more damage to herself by making these preposterous accusations.

    Stand up.. admit why you had these drugs and move on..

  6. One hell of job u do @ sbynews as well as your staff. U all keep true to your word. The locals 16 & 47 both suck peter,we should call them the pick & choose networks. Both of these netwoks can't keep good help. They are always changing personnel just like we change our drawers & socks daily. If I watch the news its wjz-tv-13 out of Baltimore or wbal-tv-11.They both broadcast true news just like sbynews. They are not afraid. Ravenman

  7. Liberals have no shame. They fall into one of three categories:


    The woman is a detriment to society. She takes from the government coffers and perpetuates the broken progressive system. The "Future of America"...

    HA! This is unsustainable.

  8. I don't know who Harper Fox is supposed to be? You should be thanked for publishing the truth why would ANYONE try to protect someone my taxes are used to pay for their food or drugs??? Our county has such a disgusting tax that I don't want anyone spending my tax dollar for drugs Free food Accidentally using OUR county charge cards!!!! I am 70 county resident who can't move to Del!!!! Also a life long Dem who just voted a REPUBLICAN TICKET!!

  9. This is what you are the best at Joe, exposing local elected officials for what they really are. Keep up the good work and don't worry about the few that don't like your style.

  10. What is going to happen when they go to the evidence room and find that the bottle is still there and it has different information on it (dates). That means there are at least 2 bottles. That would mean she lied and didn't take it for a short time. Why was her son even in possession of her medication in the first place?

  11. I think everyone in the area is already aware that wboc and daily times are progressive communist, they wont deliver the truth, they only propagandize like terrorist do. Thanks for all your work Joe {and crew} Thanks for keeping it real.

  12. you turned the lights on and now the roaches are scattering!

  13. Whatever the outcome, you sure did stir up a hornets nest!!!
    Enjoying the fireworks!!!!

  14. 9:29 You just made a huge mistake...

  15. Joe, I know for a fact their coming after your filthy ass like never before, and this time your cooked. I work in the law firm that can do it, and have first hand information. Frankly, I think it's funnier than hell!

  16. If the Truth hurts Oh Well, too bad. Joe is the only one that says the truth. That is what's wrong with "The Bury" they don't know how to tell the truth. They are all a Joke!I am so glad I live outside of the town limits, we need more people like Joe and Joe Holloway the only ones that are honest!

  17. I DO NOT believe that Joe obtained that illegally. I only caught a clip of the interview on WBOC yesterday...I wish I had seen it in full! WAY TO GO JOE!!!

  18. Publish the true facts and report to the folks. That is sbynews. If you don't like it don't read it.

  19. Survey Says....

    Do you believe Council Vice President Laura Mitchell is telling the truth about her use of Methadone for migraine headaches?

  20. Laura Mitchell is a public figure and she chose to be. Game on. The truth hurts.

  21. Quote from the DT's-
    "She said the picture was likely taken after her son was pulled over with her prescriptions in his car."

    Let's just pretend this is true.
    Then this becomes a more serious issue than if she herself were using the methadone for addiction treatment.
    Her son has his own problems and should never have had the methadone with him.

  22. 12:30 This... no she should be arrested for possession with the intent to distribute narcotics.

  23. 11:01
    if you work in the law firm, I hope you're better at your job than you are at spelling/grammar.

  24. "Did ANY of them ask Mitchell, what was her son doing with HER pill bottle in the first place?"

    Not "HER pill bottle" but in her own words as per the Daily Times "her prescriptions."

    A real journalist would have asked this question because leaving it open to assumptions and opinions is exactly what they (media) and some of the public are accusing SbyNews of doing.

  25. Never compare Joe Holloway to Joe Albero

  26. @1:04
    ...aaannndd they never asked, "What are you taking now to control your migraines?"
    Investigative Amateur Hour.

  27. The Daily Times is a 2nd rate rag. More concerned with harassing and stalking a drowning victim's family than asking the question of why were Laura Mitchell's prescriptions found in her son's car.
    More and more proof by the day that the Kilian "editor" is certainly a dumb dumb.

  28. 12:49, 11:01 works as the janitor.

  29. 9:29 AM

    You're in?
    In denial, you mean?

  30. Those to gay men in that picture are HOT!!

    Just kidding.... LMAO

  31. Why 3:35 do you have to take the low road and attack a person's parents? No class at all.

  32. No one is attacking anyone's parents 7:47. They were just telling it like it is- in other words the truth, a foreign concept to you liberals-and that is the parents of the person either raised a liar or a dope and they should be proud.
    Your definition of class is distorted as well. People with class tell it like it is. People with none raise liars and should be ashamed they did such a lousy job of parenting.

  33. 9:29 & 9:42 - Your immature threats are empty and pathetic. You're an embarrassment to yourselves. You know Joe has outsmarted you (as usual) and you're red faced jealous. Suck it up. As for Joe's advertisers, he should be getting many more new ones because Sbynews is where more and more people are coming for the REAL (whole) news. WBOC, WMDT local news and Daily Times is a boring waste of time. Who wants to be mislead and kept in the dark? I want the truth as most people do. We need more brave admirable people like Joe to clean the trash out of Wicomico County and the City of Salisbury. I have never been so sickened by liberals. You illiterate liberals just keep right on opening your mouths and exposing yourselves for the lying greedy fools you are. I'm enjoying the show.

  34. 11:01 - If you work in any law office you need to go back to high school and learn English grammar because yours is quite red-neck poor. What do you do at this so-called law office, clean the toilets? You are such a phony liar. As for you thinking "it's funnier than hell", you won't think hell is so funny when you get there dude.

  35. Anonymous said...
    Why 3:35 do you have to take the low road and attack a person's parents? No class at all.

    October 22, 2014 at 7:47 PM

    GTH you liberal moron. You soft hearted Libtards are the reason we have a run down socialist country. You are to stupid to realize that parents are part of the problem.

  36. Those Babes are HOT in that picture!


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