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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Conowingo And Bay Cleanup Subject Of College Forum

CHESTERTOWN — Top environmental experts and observers will meet Tuesday, Oct. 28 at Washington College to discuss how dredging the Susquehanna River’s Conowingo Dam could be the missing link to Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay restoration efforts.

According to a news release from the Maryland Public Policy Institute, the dam currently holds more than 170 million tons of sediment pollution that can devastate the Bay’s water quality and wildlife when released during storms. However, the State of Maryland has no plan to remove the sediment.

Panelists at the forum, which will be held in the college’s Hynson Lounge, will discuss what role the state and the federal government should play in dredging the dam.



  1. Is Tree Hugger Josh Hastings going to be there?

  2. State of Md has no plan because they want the money to environmental groups to keep flowing.


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