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Thursday, October 23, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: The Laura Mitchell – Ron Pagano Scam Strategy

You may have noticed that Ms. Mitchell has no problem discussing her medical history, By contrast, she has yet to provide details of the credentials she claims: having a MBA degree, being an accountant and former finance director for a town somewhere in Delaware,

Earlier this year, another Democrat candidate for the Wicomico County Council also claimed extensive professional experience without providing the particulars. However, Ron Pagano’s real record is less than stellar, putting it mildly, as we reported.

Mitchell and Pagano must believe that Wicomico County voters are too stupid to want to know the details of her experience. Who would hire someone who claimed to have extensive experience but did not disclose the details?


  1. well she was elected to city council without those same credentials. I asked, got no answers. It doesnt seem to matter to voters. Or elections are rigged. Same for national elections.

  2. Not to be smart but to answer the last question of your statement, the whole damn country, Obama is President, right? These wanna be politicians think lying is the norm in today's world and no one will ask questions.

  3. Is she drooling in this photo?

  4. One word .... PIG!!!! on subsidies

  5. Laura Mitchell
    Josh Hastings
    Ron Pagano


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