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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Buzz kill? Richmond puts brewery on public tab

RICHMOND, Va. — Thirsty for jobs and good times, the city of Richmond is vowing to build a brewery on the James River.

The estimated $36 million tab includes $5 million from Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s “Opportunity Fund.”

If approved by the City Council, most of the money will be raised with a general revenue bond, which puts the city’s taxpayers on the hook if the Stone Brewing Co. venture goes bust.

Details remain sketchy, and that has skeptics wondering if the city will see a replay of the stalled downtown baseball stadium project touted by Mayor Dwight Jones.

“There is no free lunch,” said Paul Goldman, a Richmond lawyer and longtime civic activist. “The public is in a ‘show-me’ mode.”


1 comment:

  1. So it follows that it will be your "civic duty" to drink there.


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