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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Andy Harris Speaks About Ebola

Andy Harris, M.D.

Today, I attended the House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing on Ebola. The Administration should impose some level of travel ban pending the creation of protocols that will protect healthcare workers and all Americans. Because current protocols are not working, we must limit the ability of individuals traveling from infected areas to enter the United States. In addition, the FDA needs to remove bureaucratic red tape to get vaccines, treatments, and diagnostic tests for Ebola available to the public as soon as possible. We can stop significant spreading of this disease, but it is going to require protocols that actually work being put in place and all healthcare workers remaining incredibly diligent.


  1. Andy Harris needs to get on board with the House Leader on Foreign Affairs, Ed Royce (R-CA) and lean on the Obola admin to shut down visa applications in West Africa. 100 or so people are applying a day for them. This would prevent travel from that area into the US. It was done in Mexico a few years ago, when the H1N1 (Swine flu) virus was epidemic in there.

  2. Agreed, it's time to shut down the VISAs and institute a complete travel ban.

    Andy, We need you back man-


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