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Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Breaking: The US Media Announces the Death of Ebola Patient in Dallas

Following the mysterious announcement from an Israeli news source over the weekend, the American media has finally released information that Thomas Duncan has died from Ebola.

From CNN:

Thomas Eric Duncan, the man with Ebola who traveled to the United States from Liberia, died Wednesday morning at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, the hospital said.

He had been in critical condition after being diagnosed with the virus in mid-September. People who have had contact with him have been isolated and are being monitored for symptoms.

News of Duncan’s death comes as a federal official told CNN that airports in the United States will begin taking the temperatures of arriving passengers who have flight itineraries originating from West African countries where Ebola is concentrated.


Publishers Notes: Let me remind ALL of you that your Main Stream Media told you flat out that we did have a cure for this virus. They even put out interviews with the alleged pharmaceutical company that could produce the cure, they lied. Then President Obama told everyone we didn't have anything to worry about, he lied. One person is now DEAD and that is what we have HEARD of so far. The virus is in America and clearly people are going to DIE because this jackass President did NOT take immediate precautions to assure the safety of our people. He needs to be impeached. 

You just keep voting for these LYING LIBERALS. Maybe YOU will end up dead too. 


  1. Did he take his Ebola with him?

  2. Beyond the partisan disgust, does anyone really trust the government anymore? Doesn't matter who controls the WH - they are ALL corrupt and self-serving. We must all take every step to protect ourselves and those we love.

  3. He, Obama wants it here and to become epidemic! What better reason to declare Marshall law and suspend all elections, blame congress and suspend them then put the army in control to maintain peace. Conspiricy theorist I am not but this man wants to become prime ruler, since when did we give people the title of czar of a dept? Not since Obamy!

  4. To the relatives - sorry for your loss!

    To everyone else - this guy got what he deserved - he came in to this country under false pretenses and could have spread his disease to untold numbers of innocent people.

    So much for Thousands Standing Around (TSA) security - they make you take your shoes off but won't check if you're sick!


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