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Wednesday, October 08, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: White House announces fever screenings at 5 US airports

White House announces fever screening at 5 US airports for passengers arriving from Ebola-stricken nations.



  1. Why not just not allow tickets to be sold to people in Ebola stricken nations? Once they are here, they're here and causing an outbreak.

    Can't you get that? Is it that hard to understand?

    1. No this is Obama s way of wiping us out.

  2. Look all these problems deception lies ..diease..terrorist..illegals ..war...libtards and evil men are behind it all..the NWO demons..anti god UN AGENDA 21 ...all of it DISTRACTIONS...you better be ready..poops gonna hit the fan at some point

  3. too little too late. Won't work anyway.

  4. The thing to do would be to revoke all current travel visas to the US and suspend issuing anymore. This would be done at the US consulates in the infected countries.
    Then at the airports have immigration officials do a check looking for those trying to enter who have been in the infected countries. It's stamped on a passport where you have been.
    This checking fever nonsense is so amateurish but should we expect anything else from the inept Obama admin.


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