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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Bob Culver's Fundraiser Draws Over 300 Paying Contributors

 You raised how many thousands?
 Excuse me, pardon me.

 Where's my gun.
 Bob, with all sincerity...
 Joe, the bathroom is on the other side of the building.
 Now that's a party!
Old Friends

Please forgive me for the delay in this Post. It's been a VERY busy morning/day for me so far.

Last night, well, what can anyone say, it was absolutely INCREDIBLE! Between local well known citizens, business people, politicians and just plain all around "good people" Bob Culver enjoyed some 300+ people attending and supporting his run for County Executive.

The tide has certainly turned in his favor as many of the people mentioned above truly feel a desperate need for Bob to move Wicomico County in the right direction.

So what did I personally gather the most from last night. Well, many people are sick and tired of the way the Executive's Office is being run, especially the LIES. 

It was amazing to see so many Sheriff's Deputies in attendance, including the one and only Sheriff Lewis. As I stated in my pre-post on this topic, let the pictures speak for themselves.  

Bob was extremely humbled by so many in attendance. 


  1. I have attended many boring fundraisers and I have to say this one was entirely different. The camaraderie was amazing. Everyone was so excited and happy. You could feel the energy. Now it needs to carry Bob all the way to the Executive's office.

  2. Proud to have attended. You are right. It was incredible! Wide ranging group of people, but all with common bond of the County is off-track and needs a new direction.

  3. Awesome now lets get the same turn out at wor wic tonight...

  4. This is what I needed to see. The sheriff just satisfied our votes. Congratulations Bob.

  5. Congrats to the organizers of this event. Have to use Joe's word - INCREDIBLE! We couldn't believe the number of people there from all over the County and from all walks of life. It impressed us to see so much support. We felt a lot of momentum as people saw friends, business and community leaders, LEOs and others rally together for Bob. Largest and best political event we've been to in a long time. Great photos by the way!

  6. This was an amazing turnout and so glad that we were able to attend! This should show Pollitt and his cronies that it is time for him to go and after talking to so many people last evening, they all agree! Bob Culver definitely has our votes!

  7. My wife and I attended and are so glad we did. It was a very fun and interesting night. To your point, I had and also overheard several conversations about the lack of truthfulness coming from Pollitt's office. Apparently many people have had negative experiences with his office and staff. Just more reason to work hard to get Bob in office.

  8. I'm thrilled to see the pictures and read the comment from the attendees.

    We need to take this country back starting right here at home!
    The mess needs to be fixed. The children do not deserve to inherent the mess the democrats have made of everything.

  9. I see your lovely wife was with you. Nice

  10. Great seeing such a diverse crowd!

  11. Thanks for the photos Joe - would love to see more. I wish I had been there. I am really impressed to see the support from the Sheriff and other deputies. I know that Pollitt and his flunkies are trying to scare them to death about Bob. Mike Lewis is too smart to fall for that. I am so glad that they all see through his BS. Pollitt is desperate and is using ugly tactics to try and hold on to his job. Culver has more class in his little finger than Pollitt has in his whole body.

  12. Wor Wic Tonight!!! this is very promising at last...vote Republicans ONLY across the board.

  13. So happy to see Bob had such success last night. I am still worried about voter apathy. I hope people will actually pay attention and GO VOTE!

  14. If Mike Lewis is in, I'm in.

  15. Right again Joe. Pictures speak volumes. Place looks packed. Heard from a friend that it stayed that way the whole evening with times when you could barely move. Also heard it was very social, high spirited and had a really great vibe. My friend said seeing all the different people supporting Bob reinforced commitments and support. Great going Bob!

  16. Joe,

    I saw you there and you looked like a cow. Lose some weight!

  17. Mr. Albero, I just want to thank you for the public service you are doing by sharing information about things that are happening in the various campaigns. This article with its comments is very informative. I have been considering not voting this year out of disgust. Reading how engaged people are with Culver has made me re-think being a no show at the polls. It seems he may be a person worth voting for. Thank you.

  18. Glad to see that we just might get a chance to see what a GOP conservative can do to turn around our county. Good luck Bob

  19. I have lost faith in Maryland but thanks for pointing out a bit of hope. I have always liked Bob and wish him all the best.

  20. It was an amazing night. We couldn't believe the parking lot when we pulled up and then had to stand in line to get into the Ward Museum. The mood was right. People have real hope for change with Bob. I haven't seen this excitement at a political fundraiser in a very long time.

  21. When I spoke with other candidates there last night they were excited for Bob and themselves too. They were loving the exposure.

  22. Glad to see this - but don't stop the publicity - 300 will not win Bob the election - all Republicans need to vote

    1. It's not only Republicans that need to vote. Independents, and Democrats sick of they way things are going and where that party is taking us need to vote as well.

  23. The parking lot was full and the overspill started to park at Parkside High School parking lot. I do not believe I have to say anymore. Bob Culver & Co. were well received.

  24. anonymous 3:34, aka, JT, LMAO. I think you better start asking actual people who have seen me recently how I look these days because the last thing they'll tell you is that I'm fat. Far from it. In fact, to those of you who asked me last night how much weight I've lost, I told you that I haven't weighed myself in 4 months. Well, last night I finally did and I've lost 32 pounds.

    It's called HARD WORK JT. Something, (unfortunately) you will NEVER understand. Enjoy the EBT Card and Affordable Housing. You won't be around much longer.

  25. anon 3:34 is the mayor for sure

  26. This is a great positive story!

  27. It is amazing how quickly some dum-o-crates jump parties when their candidate may be in jepordy!

  28. I have to say you looked great Joe! Congrats on your weight loss and keep up the good work!!
    Thanks for posting these wonderful pictures from last evening - a good looking group of people in attendance!

  29. Vote Republican

    Many eastern shore residents are tired of being manipulated and pillaged out of their property, money, and low paying wages.

    Vote Republican

    Wicomico County Executive
    Bob Culver

    Wicomico County Council
    John Cannon
    Matt Holloway
    Marc Kilmer
    Larry Dodd
    Joe Holloway


  30. Anonymous said...

    I saw you there and you looked like a cow. Lose some weight!

    October 15, 2014 at 3:34 PM

    LMAO, Is that you Sarah?

  31. "It's called HARD WORK JT. Something, (unfortunately) you will NEVER understand. Enjoy the EBT Card and Affordable Housing. You won't be around much longer."


  32. Anonymous said...
    anon 3:34 is the mayor for sure

    October 15, 2014 at 4:29 PM

    That HOMO wasn't there last night, but one of his buddies that works for one of the sponsors was there.

  33. Great event! I wish I could go again tonight. Had so much fun.

  34. I'm so sick of the present administration. It was refreshing to attend an exciting event like last night.

  35. Republican across the board for my vote.

  36. Democrats KILLING America.

  37. Man I am so glad I have a life and not so caught up in politics. To be honest looking at this party I am amazed that someone didn't die of excitement.

  38. Fear of the unknown will dictate the outcome of this election.Sound familiar?

  39. Enjoying reading all the comments. As someone that attended, I would add that in my opinion part of the great vibe was the thought that real change was possible. There has been so much negativity and doom and gloom, the thought of gaining control of taxes and spending was exhilarating!

  40. If last night was this much fun, imagine how the VICTORY party will be!!

  41. 5:08 - maybe some of the Dems are sick and tired of the way things are. We should welcome their votes for Bob too!

  42. 6:23 if you mean the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know. Not this time. 8 years is enough.

  43. Go get them, Bob. Both myself and wife will vote for you.

  44. I saw Rick packing his bags today, he knows he's gone.

  45. Term limits is a necessity. 2 terms and out of the pool.

  46. Easy come, easy go. That is the way Rick Pollitt and team has been since election. We need someone who has worked in the business world not a bureaucrat.

  47. 7:12pm You are out of touch with us living here in the county. I , for one, don't want a "devil" running this county. So I am supporting Pollitt.

    1. Is this Obama? ? Yeay more of the good ole Boys Fu.

  48. 8:06 I'm tired of the bait and switch from the executive office. I'm voting for Culver.

  49. It doesnt take bricks to hit me in the head. Lies, arrogance and behavior unbecoming an elected official will make my mind up. I will be voting for Bob Culver.

  50. 8:06, you're either joking or you're a delusional, clueless, low info voter. so sad...

    Mr. Culver will be getting votes from our family...we're praying for you.

  51. Speaking of looking like a cow, Laura Mitchell has gained a lot of weight over the past year or so. This evening at the debate at Wor Wic, her presentation including the way she was dressed was pretty frumpy looking. The two other female candidates up on stage looked very professional and well groomed! Not sure what happened to Laura along the way....
    She is clueless from her responses this evening.

  52. Gary Nock said...
    Glad to see that we just might get a chance to see what a GOP conservative can do to turn around our county. Good luck Bob

    October 15, 2014 at 3:35 PM

    It doesn't take one person, the County Executive to run the County effectively. It takes a strong majority County Council as well.

    All registered voters in Wicomico County need to get out the vote and vote strictly Republican.

  53. Anonymous said...
    It's not only Republicans that need to vote. Independents, and Democrats sick of they way things are going and where that party is taking us need to vote as well.

    October 15, 2014 at 5:55 PM

    Well said...

  54. Anonymous said...
    Term limits is a necessity. 2 terms and out of the pool.

    October 15, 2014 at 7:56 PM

    There are term limits at every election. When the voters are done with you then your term has ended.

  55. Anonymous said...

    October 15, 2014 at 10:40 PM


    Looks like you are the only fool making a comment in reference to nothing?

  56. Fat Ricky and Fat Norman were at the debate hiding behind the microphone. Fat Ricky was trying his best to hid behind the mic that his voice was so muffled.

    Fat Norman was so delusional and out of touch that he was looking at he moderator most of the time because he didn't have the guts to look at the people in the audience face to face.

  57. Anonymous said...
    Speaking of looking like a cow, Laura Mitchell has gained a lot of weight over the past year or so. This evening at the debate at Wor Wic, her presentation including the way she was dressed was pretty frumpy looking. The two other female candidates up on stage looked very professional and well groomed! Not sure what happened to Laura along the way....
    She is clueless from her responses this evening.

    October 15, 2014 at 11:20 PM

    She lowered her standards to lay with a black man who is a sexual predator. He got fired from 2 colleges because he liked to touch. He was also accused of stealing money from the local Democrat club.


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