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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Baltimore Judge Takes Temporary Suspension By Consent

Baltimore City Circuit Judge Lynn K. Stewart Mays has consented to a five-day suspension without pay for what judicial-conduct investigators called her “sarcastic, embarrassing, demeaning, humiliating and mocking” behavior toward a criminal defendant, his fiancĂ©e and a defense attorney in two separate cases.

Maryland’s top court handed down the agreed-upon sanction in an order Tuesday morning. It includes an additional suspension of 25 days, which will be put on hold for now and lifted if Mays’ successfully completes a two-year probationary period with the state Commission on Judicial Disabilities, the Court of Appeals’ Consent Order stated.

The five-day suspension must be completed within 30 days, the order added.

Mays’ attorney, Andrew Jay Graham, said the judge has acknowledged her behavior was inappropriate and it will not be repeated.



  1. That person is a judge?

  2. I don't see the problem!

  3. I don't either 6:00. If you ask me, she should get an award and a raise! Criminals need to be called out and humiliated.

  4. Get the whole story. She is a racist.

  5. I don't see any problem as well and much less any racism as suggested by 7:10. She's Maryland's version of Judge Judy.

  6. I applaud her. If more judges acted like judges instead of mealy mouthed afraid to offend anyone robots and stopped coddling the defendants and the defense lawyers, maybe there wouldn't be so many defendants.

  7. She thought that she was Judge Judy for a few moments.

  8. Where's the problem? When do we start rewarding criminals? WTF!!


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