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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

AP-GfK Poll: Most Expect GOP Victory in November

Two weeks before Election Day, most of the nation's likely voters now expect the Republican Party to take control of the U.S. Senate, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll. And by a growing margin, they say that's the outcome they'd like to see.

But the survey suggests many will cringe when they cast those ballots. Most likely voters have a negative impression of the Republican Party, and 7 in 10 are dissatisfied by its leaders in Congress.

The Democrats win few accolades themselves. Impressions of the party among likely voters have grown more negative in the past month. In fact, Democrats are more trusted than the GOP on just two of nine top issues, the poll showed.

The economy remains the top issue for likely voters — 91 percent call it "extremely" or "very" important. And the GOP has increased its advantage as the party more trusted to handle the issue to a margin of 39 percent to 31 percent.



  1. Republicans still need to get out and vote. Don't rely on polls, statistic or prescribe to they have enough votes they don't need mine.

  2. FLIP THE SENATE in 2014October 22, 2014 at 6:30 PM

    We need to keep them focused once in office....

    I also agree with 5:26 comment for in 2008-15 million conservatives stayed home and in 2012- 7 million of the same stayed home....

  3. Let's see what they do for priorities. Will it be more waste to fight gay marriage. I Some bizarre abortion restriction. Or tax cuts for more of the 1%?

  4. this time Republicans must get out the vote and do everything they can to stop the fraud. the fraud is taking place across the country NOW during early voting.


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