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Thursday, October 30, 2014

1,000 Bibles Sent to Houston Mayor Over Subpoenas to Pastors

An update this morning on the controversy in Houston that was sparked by a demand for five pastors to turn over their sermons and other correspondence.

The subpoenas from local officials to pastors came amid opposition to a city ordinance allowing transgender people to identify as the opposite gender.

In a fiery commentary on Mayor Annise Parker's actions, Mike Huckabee called for American pastors to show their opposition by sending her their sermons and a Bible.

"So, I've got an idea - if she wants some sermons, here's my suggestion. I'd like to ask every pastor in America, not just the ones in Houston, send her your sermons. Obviously, she could use a few. So, if you're a pastor, send them to her. And here's another thought, everybody watching the show ought to send her a Bible. That's right, everybody. I hope she gets thousands and thousands of sermons and Bibles," said the former governor on Oct. 20.

Well, now the mayor's office has said that it has gotten between 500-1,000 Bibles and that they will be distributed to churches.



  1. She should be hanged for trying to use Government to squash free speech as well as trying to use Government to promote indecency and mental illness.

  2. I agree 10:50. The US and the world would immediately become a better place without degenerates like Parker taking up space in it.

  3. Why is it when government wants to involve itself with religion it does so but any other time I wants to avoid it?


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