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Saturday, September 13, 2014

[WATCH] Entitled “Hey White People” Video Will Make Your Blood Boil


  1. I agree. Blacks should stop attacking whites.

  2. "Ferguson kids?" More like Ferguson terrorists in training.

    Doesn't make my blood boil. Consider the source. A species of something that resembles human beings but never evolved into civilized people. Just like the Islamic terrorists. Our own homegrown terrorists. They are one of the same-on earth doing the devil's work. A special place awaits them in hell, when their putrid lives end which can't come soon enough. Put an abortion clinic on every corner in these areas.

  3. In recent history I find that the only ones who "see color" are blacks. They continue to cry victim for the handouts instead of picking themselves up and taking the opportunities to be successful in America.

    One part of that clip talked about being called for job interviews. You know getting some kind of education might allow you to open your own business of a sort.

    Puhleeese, we don't need anymore attacks on whites.

  4. If you want to see the fatherless baby count go down among this group of people, then the gov't needs to only pay welfare for 2 or 3 childre and no more! Paying more for every child just gives an incentive to have more fatherless babies!

  5. Looks like exploitation of children to me.

    I don't care what color you are. If you commit to Work hard, go to school, make positive contributions to the world and you will be happy.

  6. Just another group of adults somewhere trying to be heard through a bunch of children, because they think it has a bigger impact. Just a waste of time. Tell that crap to inner city kids who get up and fight for their life every day black or white.All those kids probably go to a private school.

  7. This is some whacked out version of childhood if you ask me.

  8. Funny how its only the black people who bring up race and always try to twist things into a racial issue. Now exploiting children to try and further their own agenda...get a life you scumbags. When black people stop trying to play the race card on every issue then, and only then, will rasicm die. Ultimately, you are the ones keeping it alive with your Al Sharptons and Jessie Jackskons. Life is hard for everyone, not just black people. Suck it up, act like adults, and work hard like everyone else has to do. Everybody is sick of you crying, just stop it!!

  9. wow. while I think this for profit maker of shirts is using these kids to make a buck, some of you are really hateful. yes, I'm sure you have reasons to be, but don't let it get to the point that that is all you see.


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