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Saturday, September 13, 2014

Atheist Must Swear to God or Leave U.S. Air Force

Last month, an airman who doesn't believe in God was denied his request to re-enlist. That's because he refused to "swear to God". As a result, he has a lawyer and is poised to take the military to court.

"We have not received word from the Air Force regarding our letter. It has not indicated a willingness to settle out of court," said Monica Miller, an attorney for the American Humanist Association, which has taken up the service member's case.

Denying airmen to re-enlist wasn't always the case. In the past, an airman could opt for an alternative phrase and omit the words "so help me God," but the United States Air Force changed its policy in October 2013.

The Air Force is the only branch of the American military to require referencing God. All other branches make the reference to God optional.



  1. He should have just done it.He had nothing to lose and everything to gain.

  2. Even religious folk say it, but don't mean it. Oh well.

  3. That is not true. Read Lev 19:12 and Mt 5:34. Your soul is more important than everything and anything on this earth. I too was in the military and I did not swear. That goes for the reenlistment process. I truly believe that people place others in a position to simply sue others. Following up on this situation to how much this person get pay after this case is completed. Pure greed and a fast way to get paid by using religion.

  4. This is how the left will dismantle our military the same as they have done to the country.

  5. 9:59 He should have "just done it"? What if your next job you required you to take an oath and say "Allah Akbar"? Would you "just do it"????

  6. 2:11
    Atheists don't believe in any god. So why not swear to something that doesn't exist? Christians know that Allah is not the Almighty God. A Chrisitan swearing to Allah would go against their religion. An theist swearing to a God they don't believe in would mean nothing to them.


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