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Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Nice ISIS Jihadist Next Door

Every week another lad or lass from St. Louis, Toronto or Sydney makes the trip through Turkey to the Islamic State. A reporter dispatched by a local paper to talk to the neighbors scribbles down the same recollections about how nice and normal Jihad Joe or Jihad Jane was.

Classmates remember a loud partier or a shy student. Neighbors mention that everything seemed normal until those last few years when he began wearing a robe and she began wearing a burka.

The Somali and Algerian immigrants, the German and American converts, the black burkas and dyed beards, headed into the dying summer to kill Christians and Kurds, Turkmen and Shiites, to behead babies and crucify critics, don’t seem like monsters.



  1. I'm aware there is a Mosque in Salisbury. but I'm sure I don't know a local Muslim. Jews, Catholics, Protestants, Agnostics and Atheists- yes. Muslim? Nope.

  2. Check your local convenience store...


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