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Thursday, September 11, 2014

GOP Senator Wants To Fix Welfare-for-weed ‘Loophole’

A Republican senator plans to introduce legislation to close what he calls a welfare “loophole” after the Department of Health and Human Services confirmed it had “no authority” to prohibit recipients from using their benefit cards at marijuana stores in states where pot is legal.

Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., released a letter he received over the summer from HHS Secretary Sylvia Burwell. In it, the secretary said that while Washington can punish states for letting welfare recipients use benefits at liquor stores and casinos and strip clubs, marijuana stores were “not included” on the list of establishments where the benefits are banned.

“The federal government [currently] spends roughly $750 billion each year on means-tested welfare programs across 80 different accounts,” Sessions said in a statement. “This money is administered by a vast, sprawling bureaucracy with little oversight and no moral vision. Surely we can all agree that the guiding principle ought to be that benefits are reserved for those in real need.”



  1. this whole argument is so absurd ..welfare money should be used for children and feeding and care of them..along with limts for how many illegitimate tax suckers she can spawn.. adults unless they are disabled should not be on welfare. Why are we debating this absurdity...CUT WELFARE and FOOD STAMPS for thoose able bodied enough to work...if they want it put them to work doing something...maybe they can shovel some of that feces they cause

  2. 4:50 - they use the additional tax suckers as a pay raise. Put 'em to work...somewhere...there's always a park with litter to be picked up...there are always crops to be picked....close the borders - get rid of the illegals - cut welfare to bare minimums - then offer them a job that the illegals used to do...

  3. I agree they should not be allowed to buy weed. It should be given to them by the bag full along with a bag of snacks. Soon they will just mellow out. Lay and watch tv. Just like now.

  4. Yep..thats why we enact a cutoff ..after second one ..mandatory birthcontrol...cut this problem off at the source...

  5. With Obama's and O'Ireton's shovel ready jobs they should have been offered to the welfare mongers first. Tell them they have to take the job and cut them off.

    Also the thugettes should be limited to one miscreant and then have their tubes tied or cut them off.

    The Thugs and thugettes have known for years how to take advantage of the system thanks to the idiot Democrats.

    How can anyone still be a registered Democrat or even vote for one these days is beyond me.

  6. Have y'all forgot about Obama paying for advertisements in Mexico and the South American countries for FREE WELFARE. And paying for those ads with our tax money.


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