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Sunday, September 28, 2014

PG Officer's Conviction Tossed In UMD Beating Case

COLLEGE PARK, Md. (AP) -- A Prince George's County police officer convicted of beating a University of Maryland student during a 2010 celebration has had his conviction overturned.

James Harrison was found guilty of second-degree assault in the 2010 beating of a student during a celebration that followed the Maryland basketball team's win over Duke. Harrison was given a one-year suspended sentence in 2012 and served 30 days of home confinement. But earlier this month, after a reconsideration hearing, a judge overturned the conviction, giving Harrison probation before judgment.

State's attorney's office spokesman John Erzen says prosecutors were disappointed that the judge set aside the jury's verdict. He said the judge gave no reason in ruling.

A telephone message left Wednesday for Harrison's attorney was not immediately returned.



  1. The judge must have gotten a nice payoff.

  2. Are they gonna riot now?!

  3. The judge was wise and realized that the jury was nothing more than a cop hating lynch mob. Thank God for true justice.

  4. So much for "trial by jury."

  5. this should scare you, this should make you mad yet no one cares...

    I hope next time the beating happens to those who don't think or believe it will happen to them so they continue to help or sit by and let it happen...

    NOW this is proof positive no cop will ever get convicted of any wrong doing what so ever...

  6. Just as I've told you so many times--- the Gestapo would not be able to murder, rape, assault, rob, and generally be the gang Americans fear the most if it wasn't for weak States Attorneys and boot licking, judges who will put you and I in PRISON for beating an unarmed man with a club, but wear a badge and have 3 friends help you hold him down while hitting him?
    Perfectly reasonable.
    And cops expect us to believe the "99% of ALL cop shootings are justified" crap they spew.
    Who does the "justifying"? Judges like this one.
    I think I could make a ton of money if I could open a store for cops that sold fully loaded testicles.
    A kid in a Halloween "haunted house" is less afraid than the gestapo, who wear bulletproof vests, have loaded guns, night sticks, and tasers.
    I don't even know how they can say "I was afraid!!" with a straight face anymore.

  7. Judges always side with the cop.

  8. Why even bother viewing cops as normal citizens. It has been showed thousands of times that the judicial system simply is unwilling to even try, let alone convict a cop. And if they do get a conviction I guess there are judges out there willing to show where they stand.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The judge was wise and realized that the jury was nothing more than a cop hating lynch mob. Thank God for true justice.

    September 25, 2014 at 11:47 AM

    I bet you really believe that crap. Since you feel kops can do no wrong, I believe the sniping in Pa. was justified and encourage more.

    THAT will be TRUE justice.

  10. It's very simple folks. Do what the cop says and don't get beat. Why is this so hard to comprehend?

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It's very simple folks. Do what the cop says and don't get beat. Why is this so hard to comprehend?

    September 25, 2014 at 9:48 PM

    Just like in Oklahoma where the police capt. told women to not get pulled over and they won't get raped?

    STOP with the victim blaming will ya? You are so wrong-headed it's like listening to a toddler. Sounds like Wor-Wic turned out another cookie cutter kop.

  12. 10:28, tell me genius, what's your solution?

  13. 10:28 must be one of our upstanding criminals. "Victim" blaming? They're not victims. They're usually referred to as defendants.

  14. 11:49 nailed it.
    Why bother with the facade of a "jury trial"? Why bother doing "jury duty"?
    Its a joke played upon "we, the people" to give them the soothing illusion that they are an integral part of the justice system.
    No, they are not. And they are also not free from unreasonable searches and seizures, reporters aren't protected from prosecution for pissing the government off, you can't protest without permission (!!?), you don't have a right to habeaus corpus anymore, you are monitored and surveilled at a level never before seen in history, and the Constituion is no longer applicable. Jefferson and Adams are puking their guts out at what we've ALLOWED to be done to us.
    You, on the other hand, just can't stop cheering.
    You'll be sorry about that one day. Guaranteed.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    10:28, tell me genius, what's your solution?

    September 25, 2014 at 11:12 PM

    Don't kill people and don't rape women.

    Real simple. Others call it being a human being.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    10:28 must be one of our upstanding criminals. "Victim" blaming? They're not victims. They're usually referred to as defendants.

    September 25, 2014 at 11:21 PM

    A woman RAPED by a kop is not a victim, but a defendant?

    A man obeying a kops order to show his license and is shot is not a victim but a defendant?

    You are just sad.

    Whenever I see a kop, I am afraid for my safety. So that means I can shoot one just like they shoot people when they are scared, right?


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