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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Oklahoma Woman Beheaded By Islam-Evangelizing Co-Worker

An Oklahoma man beheaded a woman after a workplace dispute on Thursday, the Associated Press reports.

Moore Police Sgt. Jeremy Lewis said Friday that the suspect Alton Alexander Nolen, 30, entered the Vaughan Foods processing plant in Moore, Oklahoma on Thursday and beheaded 54 year-old Colleen Hufford.

Nolen had recently been trying to convert his co-workers at the company to Islam, Lewis said Friday, according to interviews with the company’s workers.

After stabbing and beheading Colleen Hufford, Nolen began to do the same to 43 year-old Traci Johnson, but was stopped when the company’s chief operating officer, Mark Vaughn, who also serves as a reserve sheriff’s deputy, shot and injured Nolen.



  1. the religion of peace

  2. He needs more training on his service weapon.

    Cases like these should never go to trial - the perp should die in the act.

    That's where they're screwing up.....

  3. Coming to a city near you!

  4. I can't wait to hear the "he's not a muslim fanatic", or the "workplace violence" spin.
    ANYTHING, just don't call a muslim violent, no matter what......
    And you liberal sissies, don't let the fact that a law abiding citizen with a GUN stopped this savagery.

  5. Should have emptied his weapon and reloaded until this SOB was dead. POS

  6. Anyone want to bet that he converted while he was in prison?

  7. Start with the libs FIRST. I

  8. Is anyone still under the delusion that Islam is not at war with us? I mean besides Obama and his minions.......

  9. Wow , it appears to me that all muslims are black or dark skinned.
    Wonder why?

  10. 2:58 - you were correct. I just heard on CNN that this is obviously a "copycat" killing and has nothing to do with Islam.

  11. If Obama had a son he would look like this Muslim.

    People better wake up and realize that Islam has no use for anyone that is not Muslim.

    No matter how friendly the owner of the local gas station is, in the back of his mind his religion is telling him to kill you. Think about it and act accordingly. Protect yourself and your family.

  12. 7:12 Did you say CNN, Don't you know they are Gov't ran, they are told to tell us what the Gov't wants us to believe.

  13. A reserve sheriff's deputy shot him.


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