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Sunday, September 28, 2014


Gov. O'Malley/Anthony Brown have waived the normal monthly medical premiums for ALL state employees, both active and retired for the month of October, 2014. Some active and retired employees will save as much as $300.00 for the month of October.

Yesterday we announced that the state of Maryland is currently more than $400,000,000.00 in debt and are desperately trying to find ways to come up with that money to meet their current bills/debt. 

O'Malley/Brown have created a Rain Tax as well as raised the Tolls around the entire state, yet when it comes time to VOTING, even AFTER yesterdays debt announcement, they'll charge YOU the TAXPAYER to foot the medical premiums on every non state employee in the state to ENCOURAGE you/them to vote for yet another SANTA CLAUS, BROWN. 

That's right, YOU will be footing the bill of around $300.00 PER PERSON, for current and former employees. How convenient that this will happen in OCTOBER, just before the election. 

It's time for immediate change. It's time to vote for HOGAN and stop what I see as ILLEGAL practices and STEALING from the very taxpayers that keep ALL Liberals afloat. 

By the way, that means Jim Ireton, Laura Mitchell, Rick Pollitt and the likes will also get a FREE RIDE at taxpayers expense. 


  1. Obama Crooked Mulato BastardoSeptember 26, 2014 at 2:11 PM



    Watch how they will not say a word about this EVIDENCE.

    Once again SBYNews.com has delivered FACTUAL evidence that is DOCUMENTED and CONFIRMED, yet the rest of the liberal media will cover it up.

    So many of you talk about getting an EDUCATION.

    PLEASE, then do tell me, IF you are all so smart now, WHY ARE YOU SO STUPID?

  3. Obama Crooked Mulato BastardoSeptember 26, 2014 at 2:34 PM

    Joe, you can't blame the Low Info Voters. They've been bought out with Food Stamp Cards and enslaved to to Government Masters. And brainwashed by spinning lies and half-truths by MSM.

  4. Wow. Double wow.
    This is how steeped they are in bribing, back room deals, kickbacks, and payoffs.
    They didn't think there was anything wrong with just "waiving" a monthly premium??
    Or how it looks to the rest of the public (who get to PAY for his "generosity")?
    Sooner or later, you'll come to the sad conclusion that they are ALL thieves. And deserve the rope.

  5. Thank you very much.

  6. SCREW O"Brown....HOGAN all the way!!!!

  7. won't happen, people are too stupid and we know you can't fix stupid...

  8. This is why I have ZERO respect and huge distain for local democrats. They walk around with their heads shoved up omalley's butt, smiling and grinning like imbeciles. They think it makes them look important to be seen with the loser. Truth is it makes them look like scum of the earth. Thinking you have to show respect to someone just because they've attained a high political office is the sign of someone with a bad upbringing. Respect is earned.
    Decent people will run if they see omalley coming because they don't want their space fouled with such putridness.

  9. This is SOP for the present administration , why does it surprise anyone ?

  10. Lots of government employees feel a sense of entitlement and it is because of this very thing. How many working in private enterprise will get free health insurance next month. And as important they are taking dollars out of the taxpayers pockets to do this. So sick of this government.

  11. This is after they announced the forced wellness program.

    They want you to get a wellness check, and if you have issues you're forced to do a bunch of stuff on your own time. For some issues, it can use up a good chunk of your sick leave.

    If you comply, there is no premium increase.

    If you don't comply, your rates go way up!

    The key is to just not due the wellness check. You can potentially save hundreds of dollars in fines and leave time. The penalty for no wellness check is only $50.

  12. This is bribery so why can't they be made to pull back and pay a huge fine for what they tried to do???

  13. Time for another "Tea Party" in the Annapolis harbor!

  14. All Democrats are worthless scumbag freeloaders.

  15. I am a state retiree but will still not vote for the current leadership. What they put in your pocket with one hand, they take out with the other!!!!!!

  16. Most government employees really feel they are entitled to all those benefits,they don't care what it costs all the other taxpayers.Example:the board of education.

  17. I work for the state and very much appreciate the several raises we have received but I also know there is a lot of waste. Vote Republican!!!!!!

  18. Usually one of the pays during the month of I believe March and October they don't take out health insurance since state employees benefits are based on 24 weeks vs the 26 that they receive on a :-Oweekly schedule. So technically they are getting only one free bi-weekly medical, not the entire month.

  19. 7;31....Oh. we got it now.
    That makes it all better.....
    Technically, he's STILL making us pay for not only OUR insurance, but someone else's, too.
    And throwing bribery into it, too.
    Keep cheering.

  20. As a state employee, Thank You!! you guys are AWESOME:)

  21. I know that current employees of DLLR were used in his campaign ads during the previous election. There was no disclaimer that these were employees of the state government. I found that to be very disturbing.

  22. The day of reckoning is coming soon. These same state employees will soon be very disappointed when they figure out that the politicians have spent all their pension fund and there is no money left for them. This is why the government has been buying so much ammunition. They will need their billions of bullets when it comes time to pay the pipers.


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