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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

I Found Something Gross On My McDonald's Chicken Sandwich And I'm Never Eating There Again

I recently got a firsthand reminder of how quickly a company can destroy its brand and future business with an individual customer.

With a restaurant, especially, all it takes is one bad — and badly handled — experience, and the customer may be gone for good.

Around midnight on Wednesday, Sept. 3, I went to the McDonald's at 946 8th Ave and 56th Street in Manhattan. After my experience there I'll never eat at the chain again.

I began the night at a party with a friend. Afterward, we were exhausted. We were also starving, so we went to McDonald's because it's convenient and open late.



  1. Did you expect anything different? IT IS MCDONALDS HELLO!

  2. These pictures look like they were taken with a potato. It's hard to tell.

  3. It is difficult to say what is on that chicken but I can tell you that when you work for minimum wage you have to "spice up" you life somehow. It is all fun and games...until someone gets sick.

  4. This "specific" story was completely fabricated as I understand.McDonalds has ruffled someone's feathers in the political arena & will be subject to an onslaught of accusations.Sure they have issues,but going to this length is not cool and should subject claimants to a polygraph.

  5. U went at midnight how dumb can u be

  6. What did the stuff taste like? Or did he just horse it down with the rest of the sandwich.

  7. It looks like Hair gel.


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