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Sunday, September 14, 2014

How Many Police Shootings A Year? No One Knows

A summer of high-profile police shootings, most notably the Aug. 9 shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., has rekindled a decades-long debate over law enforcement’s use of lethal force.

Police unions and some law-and-order conservatives insist that shootings by officers are rare and even more rarely unjustified. Civil rights groups and some on the left have just as quickly prescribed racial motives to the shootings, declaring that black and brown men are being “executed” by officers.

And, like all previous incarnations of the clash over police force, the debate remains absent access to a crucial, fundamental fact.



  1. Stats trump discretion.

  2. citizen review panels for all police agencies! there is no other way to handle these issues. They work for us!

  3. 9:46. I would respectfully add:

    Citizen Review Panels with disciplinary authority, including firing and referral to prosecution.

    Also, when police officers are charge with crimes, the venue for prosecution should be assigned where there is no overlap of authority. No "prosecution by coworkers".

  4. Public SERVANTS refuse to tell their superiors (We, the People) information as critical as to how many civilians they kill every year??
    Yet, every year, they make an announcement of how many cops died "in the line of duty", which is pretty much dying while wearing a uniform, even if the cop was texting and ran into the back of a tractor trailer or had a heart attack sitting at the counter of a donut shop.
    Then, they tell us that 99% of ALL police shootings are "justified". And by "justified", they mean that if a cop is afraid (and they, by their own words and actions, are afraid of everything from a 5lb dog to a cloudy day, they get to fire 45-120 rounds in the general direction of the cause of their fear. Perfectly justified. My ace.
    SERVANTS telling their MASTERS what they need to know, and criminal behavior by armed agents of the government isn't anything they want us to know about.
    This is what happens when you give 5'4", low IQ, low self esteem, picked on in high school and anxious for payback, the authority to beat rape, rob, harass, gang assault, and murder anyone, anytime because they are "afraid".
    And State's Attorneys and judges who go right along with it. They can, with a straight face, "justify" shooting kids, macing handcuffed suspects, beating people into the hospital for SAYING something they didn't like, and using attack dogs and multiple officers to beat drunk
    and UNARMED kids.
    No one but the police themselves believes that "99%" crap.
    They have, long ago, forgotten their place.
    They are not an "occupying force" in a foreign land, killing at will, but public SERVANTS who used to have to answer to us.
    Now they just are mobile revenue collectors. DEADLY revenue collectors. Did I mention SHORT, too??

  5. stop resisting! or we'll have to beat you into unconsciousness!

  6. 10:15 it sure sounds like you are trying to inflame law enforcement. Do you have a personal problem with them?

    "SERVANTS telling their MASTERS...", "low self esteem," "low IQ," and "did I mention SHORT."

    I have read several times on here lately, and I think it is indicative of certain posters, that police are SERVANTS and we their MASTERS. I'm not sure if you have dementia or what. Slavery went out a while ago. Yes, I understand they are to protect and serve, the people. That does not constitute a SERVANT relationship. You may even feel that they are you employees as your taxes pay their salaries but again, that does not constitute a SERVANT relationship. Or at least for me it doesn't. I work and I can tell you this; my employer may "write my paycheck" as I have had one of them tell me, but I most certainly am not their SLAVE. Should they ever address me as such I will certainly correct that for them. I am no man or woman's SLAVE. I can and will walk away. I have done it in the past and will do it again.

    If they do not appreciate me for the talents I bring and the work that I do then obviously we need to part company.

    I don't know how many people are shot and I don't know how many deserve to be shot. The more video's I see of savagery, the more I feel they should be dealt with savagely which makes me feel like I should stop watching because God is the only one that can make that call. And he will.

  7. The Citizens are Sovereigns.

    Public Servants are also Sovereigns. However, they take on a role of "servants" in exchange for pay.

    Much like the store clerk. He or She is a customer at times. But when he or she is representing the store, then he or she is "in service of the customer". That is the proper relationship.

    It has nothing to do with what the European Jews did to the poor uneducated black people who lived in Africa a century ago. That was totally different. It was immoral and took place because those Jews had POWER over the black people.

  8. not enough if you ask me ...

  9. 11:40...what a rambling, off topic, and confusing-the-issue post. Do YOU have dementia?
    The telling part of your post, and the one that proves my point is your own statement, "I don't know how many people are shot....". Why not? Because they don't say and don't want "we, the people" to know.
    The police DO act like masters of the realm. And the FACT that they have killed kids with air rifles (too stupid to know what a real rifle looks like? and to quick to kill?), shot people 40 times for reaching for their wallet, beaten unarmed people into comas, raped women in handcuffs, tortured suspects executed (60 Minutes had FILM, by the way) people, unloaded their weapons on cars with children inside, shot hostages (trying to be Dirty Harry but not that good of a shot?) and on and on and on....these are facts. DOCUMENTED facts.
    As Harry Truman once famously said, "I don't give 'em hell, I just tell the truth and they THINK it's hell".
    Another quote, quite applicable to the police, is "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely".
    And to clarify, police ARE public SERVANTS. Servants DO NOT get to unleash gang beatings because their master SAID something they didn't like. Or do you think that is within their rights?
    Post your name next time, like a man. Or get back in the kitchen and make me a samich...

  10. ^which isn't happening.

  11. Imclain, you must be living wrong. I have had no trouble with the police in my 54 years of living. And is Imclain supposed to be a name. Does that make you feel like a big "MASTER MAN" to post that as an identifier? I was always taught that Public Service was entered into to help the public.

    Are some of the police in the wrong? I'm sure they are. Do they ever shoot when they should not have? I'm sure they do. Are there bad apples in every bunch? You can bet there are.

    But you can also say that when an officer pulls over a car and walks up to the door he can be shot in the face. Has that ever happened? Yes it has. Has an officer ever walked up to a vehicle door and there is an a$$ hole driver with a video camera saying, "ARE YOU DETAINING ME? NO, I DON'T HAVE TO GIVE YOU MY LICENSE OR TELL YOU MY NAME. I KNOW MY RIGHTS!" Do these situations happen. Yes they do. Do they encounter people walking down the street carrying assault weapons in an open carry manner who then refuse to give their name because they know their rights. But who is to say they aren't a felon who is not allowed to carry that gun at all if they refuse to identify themselves. And how about when they go to serve a warrant and a bunch of gang bangers are there with a couple of Tech 9s or AR15s and they open fire just because that is what gang bangers do. They kill one another. What is to stop them from killing cops. Nothing and they do it regularly. How about the domestic calls where the husband or wife has just killed the rest of the family and now is looking to have the cops shoot them because they don't have the balls to take themselves out after having killed the rest of the family. Or the school or movie shootings. Who goes in then. You with your big, bad MASTER SELF. I don't think so.

    They are two sides to every story.


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