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Thursday, September 04, 2014

Hot Air


  1. Hey Joe, Why are you so anti-green energy? I've seen a giant one of these things up off off rt 50, next to Chesapeake College. It's cool looking, not an eye sore, and I've stopped and turned my engine off next to it and I can't hear any noise coming from it when it is operating. I've seen windmill farms in the hills of western PA, and again, no noise coming from them. I've seen them offshore from California, (as well as oil platforms), and the Californians don't have a problem with them. The wind is free, and those windmills in Somerset county will look a lot better than those old crabs shacks and crappy downtown area in Crisfield. Harnessing the wind makes as much sense as harnessing water power for electric, and those windmills cause much less ecological damage than building dams. What the heck is anyone trying to preserve in Crisfield.... poverty, blight, section 8 housing? That wind farm could be the BEST thing that has happened to Crisfield in the last 50 years.

  2. 1:31 --

    Hey Bozo:

    That one you mention at Ches. College is a "mini-mill" -- like a pickup compared to the tractor-trailers they want to put in Somerset County. And it's not planned to be in Crisfield.

    Now go back under your rock.

  3. 6:23
    Does using words like "Bozo" and "Go back under your rock" make you feel more like an authority on the matter? I can tell you this, it makes you look more like the uninformed, uneducated dolt that you are. For the record, the thing at Chesapeake College is anything but mini. The only thing mini is the fact that there is only one. A windmill farm will have many of those. Unlike you, I have seen many of these things in different parts of the country, and they don't get any bigger than the one at Chesapeake College. Describing a windmill as a "tractor trailer" is just, well, stupid.


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