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Thursday, September 11, 2014

Court stops frackers' "violence to the landscape"

Was this nationally important court decision
reported in your local media?

     "As the Pennsylvania Supreme Court recently noted, the technique used to recover the natural gas contained in Marcellus Shale 'inevitably' does 'violence to the landscape'....
     "Citizens' rights cannot be ignored and must be protected."

     -- From the below-mentioned August 29 court ruling 

     The environmental group PennFuture is hailing a judge's ruling last week that threw out a township decision allowing natural-gas wells to be drilled in an area zoned residential.
     Judge Marc F. Lovecchio's Aug. 29 opinion is the first known to cite a December state Supreme Court ruling that rejuvenated a 1972 amendment to the state Constitution guaranteeing citizens a right to clean air and pure water."
     -- From “Semirural neighborhood becomes Marcellus Shale zoning battleground,” by Andrew Maykuth, at this September 6, 2014 Philadelphia Inquirer site: http://articles.philly.com/2014-09-06/business/53606309_1_gas-drilling-marcellus-shale-lovecchio 
Fracker-funded Pa. Gov. Tom Corbett:
Inline image 1
     Pa. State Senator Jim Ferlo: "This administration gives away the profits from our natural resources while simultaneously destroying our parks, ruining home property values, causing catastrophic health problems, and violating our water sources."

     Justice Louis D. Brandeis: “Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. If the government becomes the lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy.”


  1. This is very important good news.
    I urge you to watch the documentary Gasland. You think we would have learned something from Love Canal. They do not care who they kill or what they destroy. This has nothing to do with benefiting the public... its ALL about money.

  2. I would urge you, 7:26 to watch Frack Nation and get the other side of the story as well...

  3. I have watched both and i will err on the side of humans thank you.

  4. I keep trying to tell you over the din of your cheering that the rich, the elite powerbrokers, and most importantly, in the scheme of things, POLITICIANS (whom you keep re-electing) don't care if you and your family live or die, sleep on a park bench, or get cancer.
    They are getting paid. And they would throw your family into a fiery pit if the campaign contribution was big enough.
    Brandeis' last sentence perfectly described our current political and social environment.
    Keep cheering. Their are selling us out to the highest bidder and you can't seen to get enough. Sadly so.

  5. 8:36 AM once you watch Gasland you will see there is no other side to the story. Wake up sheeple.

  6. I watched both documentaries as well..Gasland's credibility was shaky at best..The flaming faucet was deemed to be a hoax..Lisa Jackson, Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency admitted there was no proof that fracking was inherently dangerous.

    What do you heat your home with??

  7. 1:56 keep drinking the koolaid and believing the propaganda. Can you save Love Canal... google that.

  8. Love Canal had nothing to do with fracking. You seem bitter and confused. Kinda like Yoko Ono searching for another 15 minutes of fame. You might want to stop hanging with Lois Gibbs too.

  9. If all of you that believe fracking is safe then go and buy a home near where they do it and start drinking plenty of your "fresh" water! In fact just travel there and knock on someones door and ask them for a drink of water. You'll love it!

  10. How do you heat/cool your home 9:49? Electric, coal, natural gas,petroleum, hydro, nuclear, wind...which one is it??/Put your money where your mouth is...Come and talk to me when you pay more for alternative fuels...hypocrite


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