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Thursday, September 11, 2014

Baltimore Ravens Offer To Let Fans Exchange Ray Rice Jerseys

You’ve probably already seen the recently released security camera footage of NFL running back Ray Rice punching out his then-fiancee in an Atlantic City hotel elevator. The footage resulted in Rice’s indefinite suspension from the league and his release from the Baltimore Ravens on Monday, and now the team is saying it will allow fans with Ray Rice jerseys to exchange them.

The team announced the plan on Twitter early Tuesday morning, saying they will be offering exchanges at the team store at M&T Stadium. The Ravens say they will provide more details about the exchange on the team website.



  1. Yet ignorant Raven fans continue to walk around proudly while sportin' their Terrell "The Thug" Suggs jersey even though he punched his girlfriend in the neck and Ray "The Murderer" Lewis who played part in the MURDER a 21 year old and a 24 year old.
    They are DEAD because of Lewis, yet the Ravens honor him with a statue as their ignorant fans cheer him on, but now want to crucify Rice for punching his girlfriend???
    May the Steelers kick the Ravens butts tonight while many of us will take delight when the Ravens end up in the cellar of the AFC North.

  2. Bunch of murdering hoodlums on the Ravens Team, geez.

  3. You can take the player out of the 'hood, but you can't take the 'hood out of the player.

  4. So, Ray, once your GF takes a few millions from you in her civil suit (the case is a winner, dude, no doubts), what's your long range employment plan?

  5. Put this thug in prison where he belongs.

  6. Let the Family of her pick ray rice apart for 30 minutes. POS.


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