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Sunday, September 14, 2014

Backlash Against Michelle Obama's Public Schools' Menu

Prior to Eleanor Roosevelt, no first lady was a public figure. The term “first lady” was not capitalized. First ladies stayed in the background. Eleanor Roosevelt became the first full-time First Lady nag, both for her husband and for the nation. Her husband ignored her, but liberal Democrats kept her on a pedestal long after her husband unexpectedly left office.

Bess Truman and Mamie Eisenhower did their best to restore the older tradition. Nobody ever heard from them. But then came Jacqueline Kennedy, the best-dressed woman ever to grace the White House. She even gave us a tour of the White House on national television. From that time on, First Ladies have been expected to do something both useful and noncontroversial. Each First Lady is supposed to select some national do-good project, and devote her public life to it. I suppose the best example of this was Lady Bird Johnson’s cheerleading for planting flowers along federal highways. That seemed innocuous enough, as long as you were not in the road sign business.

Now we get Michelle Obama. She picked the most controversial topic in First Lady history: nutrition. She is serving as a cheerleader for new federal regulations being forced down the throats of America’s schoolchildren. She wants them to stop eating things that will make them fat, rot their teeth, and generally be worth paying for.



  1. To not do as Queen Mother says is pure racist. Only white people can't stand the first Lady.

  2. she was not elected to office she needs to keep her big nose out of it, its people like you 8:49 always has to bring in race in anything said about them

  3. Michelle Obama cant stand America she should leave the USA and take her Muslim husband with her.

  4. 8:48 I'm not 8:11. I will say that Mrs. Obama or no other presidents wife or companion will tell me what I can or can't feed my children. I'm a responsible parent and understand nutrition. My children are my responsibility, not that of the government or social media.

  5. Moochelle needs to stop putting her or his nose into other peoples lives. Moochelle wants to be queen .

  6. I have an idea. Why don't we feed school lunches to prisoners and prison food to the kids? Seems like the criminals get fed better.

  7. I have a good idea, why doesn't Michelle act like Mamie Eisenhower and keep her mouth out everything. She was not elected Queen of the United States of America (even though she thinks she was) and really we do not want to know her opinion nor are we going to follow her opinions. If she wants her children to eat grass and celery that is up to her but don't tell us what to feed our children.

  8. pb & j and freetos. send it from home. that is what i grew up on

  9. 9:35, you are a true dumbass. No one is trying to tell you what to feed your rotten kids. Send them whatever you want in their lunch from home.

  10. 11:37 pull your nose out of the air you think you are better than anyone else!!! who are you to say people kids are rotten!!! maybe your kids are the same as all the rest all you want to do is start conflict on here if you don't have anything constructive to say SHUT-UP

  11. Sorry to twist you pear brain there 12:34. Simply meant that based on the comment made the kids must be rotten since the apple doesn't generally fall far from the tree.

  12. 11:37 this is 9:35. You may call me a dumbass, no problem. Make a note that I am a male, veteran, (recon). Both of my children are adult, college graduates, married to college graduates, have great jobs and are both raising two children. If you have a an opinion on my comment so be it. However do not attack my children because I can easily give you a good ass whoopin. Conversation over. You are dismissed.

  13. OK gang. There is a childhood obesity epidemic in this country.

    School meal programs come from TAX DOLLARS.

    Do you still want your tax dollars to be spent on fattening, non-nutritional foods?

    I have read that the federal agency(ies) that administer these programs, under the first lady
    's SUGGESTION, are absolutely open to compromise regarding menu selections.

    Why are they open to public input? Because they are spending TAX DOLLARS.


  14. 5:12. The First Lady is not an elected official. Taxpayers money spent on someones suggestion is unacceptable. Free lunches are unacceptable to me because parents are supposed to provide food for their children, not the government! You must be a Democrat which means you are a Socialist.


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