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Sunday, August 03, 2014

WBOC Back Down From Threats Against Direct TV

A new and revised version of commercials are now out by WBOC no longer asking their viewers to call Direct TV and tell them you will drop Direct TV if they drop WBOC.

Clearly WBOC had gone way overboard by not being TRUTHFUL as our Letter To The Editor explained yesterday from someone within Direct TV. 

If it were not for Salisbury News, YOU the Public would have never known the TRUTH about the real situation and that is exactly why we are here. The Main Stream Media constantly LIES/MISSLEADS the public about multiple situations and BLOGGERS are here to call them out. 

I think we ALL know who Delmarva's News Leader truly is. 


  1. Sounds like to me that wboc is bullying direct tv

  2. AT&T bought Direct TV and I think that's why they backed off.

  3. A Public Relations nightmare for BOC. No One - NO ONE - likes to be told what to do that will put even more money into corporate pockets.
    Somebody made a very bad decision on that campaign. (See: "New Coke")

  4. I stopped watching WBOC when it became apparent that they were owned by the democrats and only favored democrats in their news.

  5. LOL! WBOCnothing tried to pull a Weather Channel and it blew up in their faces!

    Good work, Joe!

  6. At 5:12 this morning they were back at it with the same lies , so , they haven't stopped yet.

  7. 47 tried to do it too, but the NBA finals being on that VERY night, hurt them bad. both wanted to GOUGE DirectTV and therefore, us the customers who refuse to hampered by the CRAP service of comcast (another Liberal group). anyone wanna take bets that comcast is pushing all local channels to fight DirectTV?

  8. I can and will live without BOC and Fox. I will not be a party to corporate greed. Direct offers a good service at a reasonable price unlike the local cable companies. There are many other channels to watch.

  9. "Main stream media" is the only "real" news there is. Bloggers and blogs are just that, and not news.

  10. 10:44, Shop at WalMart much? You are a party to corporate greed every time you spend your money. What you call corporate greed is what EVERY business engages in to survive and make money. After all, that's why they do it.

  11. 11:03, REALLY? Seems to ME, every time there's a breaking news story, SBYNews has it up first. Take the Bishopville drowning just minutes ago. Have you seen it ANYWHERE else? How about the draw bridge over the weekend in OC. We had it first. How about the boating accident over the weekend, was it ever shown ANYWHERE else? I certainly didn't see it.

    Then there's the NATIONAL news WE choose to publish. The Main Stream Media follows what we put up, they watch the comments and guess what, that evening it becomes their news. Out of the tens of thousands of stories put out there each day, funny how they choose to go after what SBYNews.com has out first.

    A small little Blog with Mega MILLIONS of hits. In your dreams 11:03, nice try.

  12. 11:03 You're an idiot!

  13. Channels 5 & 16 have not been watched in our home for over two years because both are nothing but a day-behind-liberal-POS. No balls Jahelka is getting what he deserves because neither one of these channels are up to any type of t rueful creditable reporting. They are right up there with MSNBC.

  14. 11:07...As a matter of fact I have not entered a Walmart in years. I buy everything I can from locally owned businesses. It costs a bit more, but I am helping to support local jobs...you should try it.

  15. It seems to me that WBOC has stepped up the BS about Direct TV rather than slowed up. Albero must have pissed in their corn flakes.


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