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Friday, August 15, 2014

U S Border Patrol, Texas


  1. Wow!! All I can say is Wow.

    You F*n Idiots who voted for and support Obama should be shot for Treason! This country is doomed!

  2. Remember, Norm Conway, Jim Mathias, Jimmy Sarbanes, Anthony Brown, etc, etc all support the DEMOCRATIC party which is responsible for this. They ALL support OBAMA.

    SHOW THEM THE DOOR! And let it bang them hard in the a** on the way out!

  3. Won't happen 8:52 AM

    america is too far gone and the citizens are too damned stupid...

    NOT TO MENTION, that the illegal immigrants nailed the final nail in the coffin... They made the red states blue and now the dems will with the house and senate in november and they can now pass all and any bills they want with nothing to stop them but a filibuster and that will go too soon once dems take control of both houses...

    I damn well told you people this would happen, this was coming and whelp I am a conspiracy theorist and guess what, I was right so what does that mean? It is not A CONSPIRACY...

  4. These idiots will probably still vote for the idiots like Rick Pollitt, Laura Mitchell and Josh Hastings.


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