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Friday, August 15, 2014

Obama blocks Israeli missile shipment

US administration officials stop missile transfer, order all future transfers to be scrutinized in sign of further cooling ties.

A new report reveals that US President Barack Obama's administration stopped a shipment of missiles to Israel late last month and tightened weapons shipment procedures to Israel, as tensions between the two nations grow amid Operation Protective Edge.

The report in the Wall Street Journal, released Wednesday night, cites US officials in Obama's administration, who say they discovered Israel had requested a large number of Hellfire missiles directly through military-to-military channels. An initial batch of the missiles was about to be shipped, according to sources in Israel and the US Congress.

At that point, the Pentagon stepped in and put the transfer on hold. Further, top White House officials instructed various US military agencies to consult with the US State Department before approving any additional requests from Israel.



  1. Obama does not want them used against his Muslim and ISIS brothers.

  2. Here we go , The Jews are the chosen people of God , like it or not. They will not be defeated by anyone or any nation.
    This is very upsetting that our leader has taken steps to defeat this small country. We know that Obama is a muslim , he can use every excuse in the book to stop arms . They will not be defeated.
    If they run out of arms or missiles , believe me , they will nuke in a heart beat and I would too.
    As a matter of fact , I'm very surprised they haven't done so already , I would.
    Every country that surrounds them
    should be in fear of this.

  3. Obama's hacks are dealing with our best friend in the Middle East as if they are our enemies! How and why can't congress resolve this issue?

  4. ok 5:56, maybe you can explain how the Romans sacked the second temple then

  5. Maybe they should refrain from using the missiles on civilian shelters, schools and hospitals.

  6. 8:31
    Maybe the terrorist group Hamas should stop hiding ammo in shelters, schools and hospitals. It would probably also be a good idea from them to NOT fire missiles from those locations also. The Israelis are not building tunnels to get into Palestine to kill people it's the other way around. I guess the muslim propoganda has grabbed you and you are too stupid to actually figure things out.

  7. People like 8:31 are more naive than 9 year old children... I bet he sings We are the World and Kumbaya as a nightly prayer!
    He has been FOOLED by Hamas just like Jihad Jimmy Carter.
    Hamas and Islamic radicals are terrorists. They use women and children to protect weapons and for propaganda when they are killed protecting said weapons. Hamas charter demands the complete destruction of Jews, complete genocide of a race.
    That is what 8:31 is supporting with his post.

  8. hey anon 7:21

    the roman empire collapsed and is no more. Israel is still with us in case you hadn't noticed.

  9. Any chance Nobama's primary advisor Valerie Jarrett who was born in Iran has any input it this decision?

  10. OK...OK.... I will admit I don't know enough about this whole mess to make a suggestion...but I DO KNOW enough to be worried about what is going on in this world. We are possibly heading down a rabbit whole.

  11. We are all God's Children.

    Jesus Christ chastised the Jews who were engaged in usury in the Temple. He called them "Liars, like your father, Satan".

    Israel is an evil Empire with its fangs sunk deep into the US Government.

  12. The Jews are Gods chosen people ,
    Jesus Christ was a Jew .


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