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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Today's Survey Question 8-29-14

Do you think it's proper that Beaver Run Elementary remains open when the water quality fails human consumption standards?


  1. NO! What did the BOE maintenance staff do all summer??? None of these issues found until it was the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL? Better break out those credit cards and hire some plumbers and / or Culligan Water Treatment.

  2. By law they are NOT supposed to be open.

  3. It should remain open , I had no running water in my school 1950.
    I'm alive and healthy , suck it up.
    Education is the main objective .
    Things could get a whole lot worse , just think about a socialistic society with bread lines , no water , on milk , no meat and more Obama.
    If you have water to drink , be happy , happy , happy.

    1. 9:23. We are not in the 50's anymore get over it!!! What's fair for one school should be fair for all schools. In case you haven't been following the times things have changed. We have learned that some things are bad for people. That's why there are new LAWS! besides the students aren't the only ones at risk!!!

    2. Maybe 9:23 is alive and well but according to 12:46 "thousands" of children died in the 50's.

  4. I haven't read anything about the Beaver Run issue.Not to answer a question with a question,but does anyone know if they have their own well and septic,or are they connected to city services?

  5. Good luck getting the department of health, there closed until Tuesday.

  6. Unacceptable. That's what the summer time is for. Of course, we also have entire cities around here, where it's the same issue. But, we have NEW BIKE signs in the county!!!

  7. I have a child in Beaver Run. I don't see where it is that bad. Some of you make a "mountain out of a mole hill". Grow up!

    They have made arrangements to help with the situation. I remember seeing 5 gallon water stations there last year. They have pulled in porta-potties.

    Stop coddling your kids, that is why we have so many self absorbed, entitled, technology dependent youths out there today with a complete lack of common sense.

    So the children have to drink from a purified water cooler, WOW! I've heard mention that they are using this water to clean the dishes in the cafeteria. I'm sure they are, but guess what, it's being done in a sanitizer. Guess what a sanitizer does? It sanitizes things through the use of heat! Yes the kids only have specific bathrooms they can use, or they have to use a porta-potty. Okay. My daughter is 6, she's been taught how to hold her bladder until the proper time arises.

    No I don't want these kids to have to go through this all year long. But I know that my child can deal with a temporary inconvenience. If your child can't then heaven help you and them when they get older and LIFE actually gets a little tough.

    1. By law if there is a issue with water in school ,the school has to shut down, glad your NOT my parent.

    2. 10:43 I think we're dealing with a lazy parent who doesn't want the inconvenience of moving their child to a SAFER school over their selfishness!

    3. So sad.. "I taught my 6 year old how to hold her bladder until the proper time arises", "I saw 5 water cooler there LAST YEAR", and best of all "stop coddling your 5 and 6 year olds", I mean for crying out loud their almost adults. Unbelievable!

  8. The problem appears to be related to septic/drain field sewage disposal. "Right of ways" are being obtained to run sewer lines to the school.

  9. 9:53 I agree they should of fixed something that wasn't broke.ha ha ha.

  10. 9:23 AM, Your generation didn't have to deal with killer diseases like Ebola. Kids need to wash their hands constantly and practice good hygiene. Having no water in school is unacceptable.

  11. Don't drink the water!

  12. These things happen, BUT if the problem occurred LAST year, why is it still a problem??? Somebody is not doing their job. A new well takes only 1 or 2 days. A new drain field takes only a week. Been there, done that. Who is responsible for this fiasco?


    1. WBOC and WMDT must fear the b.o.e. and Freddy boy. They seem to be distancing themselves from real issues so they can be fed more trivial ones.

    2. Perhaps it's their ego 11:57. They could be upset that they didn't break the story first. Excellent job Joe!

  14. Don't drink the water if it's bad.
    The secret is buy bottled water. Not to hard to figure out.

  15. The teachers have been in school for over a week and why is it that this issue is just being brought up now? Hmmmm.

    1. Perhaps 11:29 because someone had the courage to "leak" the story out?

  16. NO! There are other issues as well such as sewage problems and mold. We also have the issue of fairness. Kids in other areas of the couny (better income) are enjoying a nice climate for education whereas the Beaver Run District is getting crapped on! No pun intended.

  17. The problem is being worked on, things happen. Stuff breaks down. Hopefully one day they can get city water and sewer. All the kids are fine.

  18. Joe, for a few months now you have been showing us how people at the BOE have handled having a credit card. Just look at all that money that was spent on NONSENSE. This problem at Beaver Run could have been fixed many times over just on what they spent on NONSENSE. It's not the kids fault they have to use porta pots or drink bottled water, but it certainly is the BOE's fault for not getting this fixed way, way before now. So close the school, get the Board of Health, the Governor, and whoever else needs to know about this and get it taken care of.

  19. Just opens the county up for lawsuits. The BOE just continues to demonstrate its ignorance concerning liability issues and they are the educated people teaching our children. Painfully obvious that the BOE cannot handle money or safety issues.

  20. 10:16 do you really believe what your saying? Tell me when children around here have had to deal with deadly diseases such as children from the 50s had to? Please I'm waiting to hear this. Do you know know your history ? Let me ask you this do you even know why your child has to have so many inoculations to even step into a school now days? I can tell you this thousands of children died in the 50s from disease. Your comment is based on lack of knowledge and holds no weight.
    Am I saying the kids should still be In That school with the conditions they have. I don't know. I've not seen the conditions to make that call .parents of children at the school should be making the call for there children.

  21. Well there ya go 12:46. Why do you think thousands of children died in the 50's?!!! Maybe because of the conditions? The same conditions that exist at Beaver Run?

  22. 12:46 PM
    Same diseases then as now. Only not discovered. Do you feel you live in a magical time?

  23. The school should be closed until the issues are fixed. I am seriously wondering what they are doing over at the BOE and at the public schools around here. I went to register my child for school this year and in the short time I was in the office of the elementary school, I saw several different very serious health and safety concerns. The things I saw concerned me so greatly that I withdrew my child from public school.

  24. Im laughing at all of these comments -

    A. If they close the school - Where do you recommend them to go?
    All the other schools are SOOO overcrowded already and 80% of their parents don't want them at home - So where does that leave them?

    B. Transportation?

    Look at the whole BIG picture and STORY before you blast everyone and everything!! Remember there are TWO sides to every story and make sure all the facts are true!!!

    My son was there last year and it wasn't as bad as you are saying and now he is at East!! HMMM, now there is a very old school!!!

    Good Luck - We are living in the country and Sorry to say but the Eastern Shore is about 20 years behind in time and a lot of people here on the shore do not like change - But, I have noticed you all sure do like to complain a lot!!! Yes, I'm a come here and I have about five more years to go and city life here I come!!! If you do not like what is going on, Quit hiding behind your computer and go to a meeting and find out what is going on!!! Good Luck!!

  25. 11:41
    The problem is this is the first week of school. They had this problem last year. The problem should have been fixed during the summer months. Im sorry but portable bathrooms for an elementary are unexceptable. Shall we just sit back and accept the portable bathrooms? What happens when Janurary and February come? Will it still be ok for the children to have to go outside to use them in the cold? Again this was a KNOWN problem and the BOE has ignored it.

    I'm ok with the shore being 20 years behind. I would rather have that than communte 90 minutes in traffic on a good day. I would rather know that if I go to an ER that they will see me. It may take hours but at least they don't tell an ambulance they can't bring a patient in because they have closed the ER. I can still drive on a back road to get around summer traffic and houses are not one on top of the other.
    It was your choice to move here maybe you should remember that. If you don't like the way of living here move now why wait. Im glad I came to the shore 20 years ago. If you are not it's time to pack it up and move on.

  26. 12:59 - You just proved my point!!! You are also 20 years behind!!! LOL!! Say no more!!
    Don't worry, My family and I are leaving sooner than expected - He had put in a transfer and he got it!!! Yeah!!

  27. The water pressure problem was fixed in two days. They have had bottled water for a while. Im not sure but I believe that the high school transports the food to the elementary schools. Look how long it took the stadium to get water and sewer they will not bring it across the highway to BR in my lifetime. There is no revenue benefit for the town I believe Wor Wic has water and sewer. I may stand corrected.


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