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Saturday, August 09, 2014

This Is One Of Those Must Watch Videos


  1. EXPORT them back to their homeland NOW. Problem solved.
    I the law needs to change beforehand, change it now, but get them out while you can. there is hope.

  2. There is no hope. Too many sympathizers and sell outs in this country. Look at how so many Americans are showing so much boo hoo sympathy over all the illegal children coming into American. Or, how Americans insist we help the Christian Iraqis on top of the hell. Or, all the tax paying money this government and past government invest to help other citizens in other country. This country won't even take care of their own citizens. Soon, this country will be Bankrupted. Sharia Law will be the law of the land here in America soon. And, American born citizen will be given ONLY two choices and that is become a Muslim or die. Reason being, other nations can not beat us militarily. But, they sure can kill us financially. Bankrupt America. One can rule the world. Wake up American.


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