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Saturday, August 09, 2014

Salisbury Accepts Bike Route Grant

SALISBURY — A new bike route between downtown Salisbury and Salisbury University is imminent with the City Council accepting a $32,440 grant this week for the installation of pavement markings and signage on Riverside Drive and South Boulevard.

The bike routes are just a piece of the puzzle however, and the council also wishes to launch a public awareness campaign aimed at promoting shared awareness of roads by motorists, cyclists and pedestrians.

The $32,440 grant is coming in from the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) Bikeways program. It will be used to create a well-marked bike lane along 1.18 miles of Riverside Drive and .37 miles of South Boulevard, connecting downtown and the university. It will include markings for dedicated bike lanes and shared bicycle/vehicle lanes as well as route signage.



  1. oh goodie. now liarton can screw up even more streets. I can't stand those stupid bike riders around here

  2. yay just what we need, more idiot bikers on the roads. when they get squished whose fault will it be? make them get insurance just like any other driver if they want to ride their bikes on the main roads with heavy traffic. im glad to be leaving this town

  3. I would have done it for $10000 who is getting a kick back ehh mayor???

  4. anonymous 10:43, Riddle me this...

    Ireton flat out stated to me BEFORE the Mayoral Race that he could not afford to be a part time Teacher and part time Mayor. He went on to say he would NOT run again IF he was able to get the Council to agree to sell the Downtown Parking Lots. If he could not get them to agree, he would run again.

    Things that make you go, HMMMMM!

  5. designate all streets bike routes. Save the $32.000. State already has laws to govern road usage.

  6. Now that is $32000,00 pissed away.

  7. Just wondering how much these bikers pay to use these streets? Damned if I don't pay a pretty penny to use them.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Just wondering how much these bikers pay to use these streets? Damned if I don't pay a pretty penny to use them.

    August 9, 2014 at 7:27 PM

    It just takes a very small tap to their back wheel to send them flying. They will never know what, or who, hit them.


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