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Monday, August 11, 2014

The campaign gaffe patrol, on duty again

Democrats have been searching desperately for the next Todd Akin. Two years ago, the Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate in Missouri shot himself in the foot by talking about “legitimate rape,” as if there were any such thing. It cost Republicans dearly. This year foot-shooting is in season again, and the deadeye marksmen are Democrats.

Sen. John E. Walsh dropped out of the U.S. Senate race in Montana on Thursday. Max Baucus had relinquished his seat early so that Mr. Walsh could be appointed, giving him the incumbent’s advantage against a Republican challenger. Mr. Walsh looked great on paper. He’s an experienced politician who spent three decades in public office, including a term as lieutenant governor.

Tight Senate races tend to focus a spotlight that Mr. Walsh had not seen before. Opposition researchers check the resume first, and Mr. Walsh had padded his. A plagiarism investigation at the U.S. Army War College could strip Mr. Walsh of his graduate degree. His career has been cut short because he took a risky shortcut.


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