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Monday, August 11, 2014

School District Quits Fed Lunch Program: 'Kids Won't Eat That'

A Kentucky school district is opting out of the federal school lunch program because it says students don't like the meals required under new guidelines, The Cincinnati Enquirer reports.

"The calorie limitations and types of foods that have to be provided ... have resulted in the kids just saying 'I'm not going to eat that,'" said Gene Kirchner, superintendent of Fort Thomas Independent Schools.

More schools are opting out of the program, which requires use of whole grains breads and low-fat or no-fat dairy products among other things. First lady Michelle Obama championed the 2010 Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act as part of the national fight against childhood obesity.

But school districts are seeing children throw more food in the garbage. Worse for school districts: Some students are bringing their own lunches, eating at nearby fast-food restaurants or skipping lunch altogether.



  1. All originating from the "Do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do" not-elected to any office Moochelle!

    Folks are wising up to compromise between common-sense and optimal-healthy.

    Now if we could collectively wake up and throw these communists out of office at the next election - we'll all be better off!

  2. If you let kids make the menu it would be pure junk. Who is in charge here, the kids or the adults. As a child I was not a fan of vegetables. I would have eaten only pop tarts and count chocula.

  3. 10:18

    If you haven't seen the food for yourself, then you don't understand the issue. My daughter was in second grade last year and would often get a "bento-box" containing cheese, crackers, and yogurt. That is NOT a meal and she would always be hungry soon after. It's not about junk food, it's about a complete meal that can sustain a child through the day.

  4. there's an alternative option

  5. August 11, 2014 at 10:18 AM

    You never seen school meals have you I am in high school and the school meal in this Wicomico county is about 5 or 6 pieces of chicken nuggets, a cup of milk, a fruit(oranges, apples, or can fruits in a tub that doesn't pass a 6 fl oz) and a side which could be three to five plastic spoons of a vegetable. And I quote say this is in high school, and think I am 6 ft, the food is equal of an elementary school. My middle school encouraged bringing lunch since the meals wouldn't satisfy much of the students. And thanks to Michelle the amount is dropping. Obesity is based on genes, diet and lifestyle. Most people only focus on the diet part. I eat 4000 calories a day I still weight less than people who are the same height and eat around 2000.

  6. If you don't like what's is being served, tell your mommy to pack your lunch.. Gave me a break from silly political agenda nonsense.. School food been crappie!!! The same six rubbery chicken nuggets, half a shot of milk, and last season's fruit cup,is the same food being served since sweatbands And neon socks were in style..


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