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Friday, August 15, 2014

Swat Team Raids Innocent Woman's Home; Lawsuit Filed

An elderly woman's home was raided by police after she was suspected of making anonymous online threats against the Evansville police department and Chief Billy Bolin.

The 68-year-old woman, Louise Milan was in the house with her 18 year old adopted daughter when police shattered a glass door and burst in after throwing flash grenades inside.

Police came up empty-handed in the search for evidence about who had made the threatening posts but only after damaging Louise Milan’s house, handcuffing her and her adopted daughter and seizing their computers, according to a lawsuit that has been filed against the city of Evansville.

The FBI later arrested Derrick Murray, a suspected local gang leader who lived nearby in his mother’s house and was using his smartphone to access the Milan's unsecured wireless network.

City attorneys contend that the force used to execute the search warrant, was “objectively reasonable” and that officials are immune from liability.



  1. lol, of course the city attorney found them innocent. who do they work for? again citizen review boards with real power are the only answer to out of control police departments.

  2. Uh huh. Objectively reasonable.
    ANYONE would throw flash GRENADES (plural!) into the home of a 68 year old lady before they crash into the house. Pointing an automatic rifle at that little kid (she looked like she was about 11 or 12 yrs old. Tough guys....It looked like some tape of the Marines kicking in a door in Iraq. EXACTLY like that, actually.
    The damages to the house? Not their problem (and you KNOW 68 year old woman has plenty of money to buy another $300-400 door.
    What was it? Eight or nine fully combat ready and armed guys with GRENADES? Really? Seriously?
    If THAT was YOUR grandma, I'm sure you would be saying it was "reasonable" and she deserved it.
    Too bad the cops got the wrong person and took the wrong property and damaged the wrong house. They could have shot them both with 50 rounds apiece and the prosecutor would have said "justified". Part of the "99%".
    Keep cheering.
    YOU could EASILY be next.

  3. They should just settle with her now and save the embarassing details that'll come out about their crack investigative techniques during trial.

  4. Why didn't they just surround the house and then ring the doorbell?

  5. The lady has a few friends of her own. They are going to pay a visit

  6. to Baskin Robbins and eat some peanutbutter chocolate ice cream

  7. Will this episode be on "cops".
    Bad boys Bad boys, What ya going to do when they come for you?


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