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Wednesday, August 06, 2014

State Seeks Lawyers To Help Immigrant Children

Maryland officials have met with members of the legal community to discuss how to help unaccompanied children from Central America who have crossed the border.

Ted Dallas, the secretary of the Maryland Department of Human Resources, said officials met Tuesday with about 20 to 30 people, including representatives of the American Civil Liberties Union and attorneys.

Dallas says they discussed how to streamline the legal process due to the volume of cases that will go through Maryland. Dallas also says they discussed how to help families that are hosting the children to get legal services they need.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says Maryland has about 2,205 of the unaccompanied children that have come across the border between Jan. 1 and July 31.



  1. They are not American citizens they should have no rights or services expected to help them survive illegally.

  2. Hang a U turn in MD.we cant afford it..to busy taking care of baltimore scum already

    1. The Salisbury scum is coming from the Bronx ny and Philly to get easy Welfare.

  3. The Dems solution will be to raise taxes on working American citizens.

  4. Why is the state having to "seek" for lawyers. They should be lined up, ready to "help" these poor children after all most lawyers are democrats. Just like I expect every single democrat candidate to have already filled out and submitted a form for fostering these children. Put your money where you mouths are for once democrats.
    None of them will though because they are nothing but talk.

  5. They should all have brought lawyers with them from their native countries if they wanted them. Licensed to practice here, of course.
    Without that, they have no lawyers, and need to go home.

  6. If you are an attorney and do this I will consider you a traitor. And, any other American who doesn't feel this same way is yet another traitor worthy of a firing squad.
    tossing hat in ring for squad duty

  7. Well first we find out where the money is coming from...so we know where to send our bill

  8. taxpayer funded ACLU gets extra grease using the sue and settle tactic against the government - why would lawyers vote against this system?


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