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Wednesday, August 06, 2014

At $140 A Day Per Person, Illegal Aliens Are Living Better Than Taxpayers Footin’ The Bill

There are so many tangled layers of problems involved in this illegal immigration crisis. We are hemorrhaging and nothing is being done to staunch the flow. Eventually this country will bleed out and we will have no one to blame but ourselves and the do-nothings that we continue to elect to Washington DC.

As being falsely reported in order to gather empathy and silence the criticism, this is not about “the children.” As even the ultra-liberal New York Times reported, there have been roughly 300,000 illegal aliens cross our border. Only 50,000 of them were “minors.” Out of those 50,000 minors, 90% of those are teenagers. Numerous of them sporting enough tattoos and facial hair to make a grown man envious. In fact, as I can’t imagine the populous would be carrying ID or birth certificates, I’m sure many are claiming to be teenagers or “unaccompanied minors” who are really grown men and women. We have been lied to. This is not about the children. It is about systematically and purposefully changing America.




  2. Enemies foreign and domestic . . .

    We are being brought down by the Banking Elite who are Globalists. They do not care about America. They rail against "Nationalism".

  3. That's about $90 more/day then I live on..., and I gotta pay taxes on that, too.
    I'm gonna go hang out in the tanning booth a few days, brush up on my Spanish and try this out.

  4. 8:27 all you have to do is change your name to Maria Conchita Gonzalez
    and say no hablo Ingles. How will they ever know if you are truly a citizen since you don't need any documentation. Great plan!

  5. That's $4200/mo and probably tax free!!!

  6. The writer is so right.

  7. I'm going to leave the country and sneak back in and say "no habla"


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